Hello and welcome to my GitHub,
Let me introduce myself: I’m Raymond van Hoorn (aka ray2day) C# / .NET developer and graphic designer. In this file you can read how I became a programmer and how I am improving my C# and .NET coding skills everyday.
December 2021: Graduated post bachelor C# programming at Avans+ hoge school in 's-Hertogenbosch.
May 2022 - November 2022: Half year working as a backend developer in a team on a project of social interest.
June 2022: Passed the official Professional Scrum Master (PSMI) exam.
November 2022: Demo of the project. Received well by the customer. I was asked to continue along with project, but I chose to leave and apply for a paid job.
In between: Lots of self study. Improving skills, mainly focused on building API's. Busy with my own Blazor Server App project, my future MSX website (with a lot of functionallity: calendar, blog, database etc,).
May 2023 - till now: Working as Back End developer at Bookerz Marketing Automation (backend: C#, .NET and SQL, and a little frontend: HTML / Javascript).
I am a (former) graphic designer and what involves my graphic background: I am an expert in Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and the PDF-workflow. Also a specialist in the printing industry (pre-press) with an enormous practical experience and knowledge of offset-, silk screen- and digital printing. Next to that I lots of experience in packaging / and setting up color management and print production planning systems and workflows. My strenght is my technical knowledge and interest. Tn these jobs technical side tasks were often handed to me: creating work-arounds, automate processes and find efficient ways to work using the software available. At EMI Compact Disc I was involved in an IT project group to automate and implement the graphical process from customer to production in SAP. At my last graphic job I automated almost all of the imposition processes for digital printing.
My hobbies are: scuba diving, hiking, cats and MSX (retro) computers (collecting, playing games and of course coding). My retro computer- and programming hobby has lead me to retrain to and become a professional programmer.
As far earlier coding experiences concerned I have a history in:
- coding plain HTML, CSS / later assisted with development tools (e.g. Adobe Dreamweaver) in former jobs
- coding in MSX-BASIC and a little Z80-assembly on real hardware also emulated using Open MSX / Visual Studio Code as hobby
As far learning C# coding / .NET development concerned I RECENTLY HAVE DONE:
- in the beginning I started off with the (101) basics and most of the Microsoft Docs learning myself coding- and debugging using Visual Studio, I did a lot of SELF STUDY from diverse sources and mainly internet (YouTube and Udemy) as also books 'Zie Scherp' and the follow-up 'Zie Scherper'(object oriented programming C# for advanced, enthusiasts and geeks) / Tim Dams worked out completely including excercises.
- a friend (programmer) educated me in version control, using Git and GitHub. I learned to work with Git / GitHub using it for my own projects (as you can see I have built up a quite nice library of repositories) and later by working in a team using Git in combination with Azure DevOps
- soon this was followed by an offical college course in programming;
Avans+ post bachelor (HBO):
• C# programming (graduated - certificate of participation and assessment)
- in between I spent more time self study;
Udemy courses (all certificate of completion):
• C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding
• C# Intermediate: Classes, Interfaces and OOP
• C# Developers: Double Your Coding Speed with Visual Studio
• Complete Guide to ASP.NET Core RESTful API with Blazor WASM
• Modern Web Development with Blazor WebAssembley
• Programming in Blazor ASP.NET Core 5
• Blazor Bootcamp - .NET6 E-Commerce Web App (WASM and Server)
• Restful API with .NET Core (.NET7)
• Complete Agile Scrum Master Certification Training
• 98-361: Software Development Fundamentals (using C#)
- at BEE-ideas: I am gained work experience as backend developer in a team on a project of social interest working with Visual Studio / Visual Studio Code, Angular, Typescript, Node JS, C#, .NET, SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Devops, Swagger, Git, Agile/Scrum etc.
• Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) (certificate)
- at Bookerz: Everyday I am working with Visual Studio, write mainly back end code in C# and doing a lot of database work writing a lot of complex queries using SQL Server Management Studio. Also using tools like Gitkraken, Trello and Postman. I also do some front end work (HTML and Javascript) on a regular basis. I enjoy coding and being part of great projects in which I learn a lot from my collegues.
Other courses
• C# Test-Driven development, Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 5), Learn ASP.NET Core MVC (.NET 6), Building a .NET 6 API Using TDD and The Bowling Game Kata
- learned working with assistive tools like Postman and other third party tools like Toastr, Quill, Syncfusion, Ochard Core
- a lot of practicing, a lot of exercises and built some (hobby) applications of my own
- also had conversations with professionals in the workfield to help me to choose my path in coding
As far learning C# coding / .NET development concerned I was BUSY WITH:
- expanding my C# coding skills by doing tutorials, excercises, etc. ...just programming a lot!
- expand my knowledge about developing webapps and -services using the .NET frame work; Razor pages / MVC / Blazor
- Udemy courses related to (advanced) C# OOP programming, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET, MVC, Web API, WASM, Blazor
- learn even more about developing RESTful API's and Blazor applications
- learn more about Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio / managing and working with databases
- learn more about Azure DevOps / Active Directory / Authentication and Authorization
- keep having conversations with professionals in the workfield to help me to choose my path in coding
As far learning C# coding / .NET development concerned I am BUSY WITH:
- Working!! And learning a lot at Bookerz!
As far learning C# coding / .NET development concerned I WANT TO / PLANNED TO learn & goals:
- improve my C# / .NET, SQL and Javascript skills even more...
- just gain workexperience
- keep up with new things in .NET with main focus on Blazor
And if time left I would like to:
- learn more Blazor (build my own new MSX website and a webapp to Learn Arabic (hobby) Blazor Webassembly / and Blazor Server App)
- more indepth about the different architectures / best practices etc.
- expand my front-end knowledge (Javascript, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap)
How to reach me: vanhoornraymond@gmail.com
Book references:
- Zie Scherp (C# for beginners, enthusiasts and geeks) / Tim Dams
- Zie Scherper (object oriented programming C# for advanced, enthusiasts and geeks) / Tim Dams
- C# 10 and .Net 6 Modern Cross-Platform Development' / Mark J. Price
- 'Handboek ASP.NET Core 3.1' / Michiel de Rond
- The Scrum Guide / Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland
- Clean Code (A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship) / Robert C. Martin
- Adaptive Code via C# (Agile coding with design patterns and SOLID principles) / Gary McLean Hall
- Software Development Fundamentals / Microsoft