b52 is a fast experimental Key/value database. With support for the memcache protocol.
To start using b52
, install Go and run go get
$ go get -u github.com/recoilme/b52
$ go build or go install
This will retrieve and build the server. Or grab compiled binary version.
Use ./b52 --help
for full list of params. Example:
./b52 -p 11212 -params "sizelru=10&sizettl=10&dbdir="
# Start server on port 11212 with 10Mb lru and ttl cache size, without persistent database.
or just ./b52 - for start with default params
is a layered database composed of a sniper, evio and freecache.
When b52 prepared properly, the ingredients separate into three distinctly visible layers.
It use evio for network communications.
sniper - fast, persistant on disk storage
freecache - in memory, with zero GC overhead cache, for keys with TTL (time to live) and LRU cache
New entries go to disk (sniper). As you access them, they are cached in the LRU-cache (freecache). Life-limited records are stored separately, in freecache (without persistance storage).
For minimizing GC and allocations overhead - Sniper stored keys, and value addres/size in plain hash (map[uint32]uint32). HashMaps are fast, but has a memory cost. You must have 2Gb+ memory for storing every 100_000_000 entrys.
In Freecache memory is preallocated and it's size depends from you.
Sniper has a minimum 8 byte overhead on every entry. But it allocate space in power of 2, and try to reuse space, if value grow. Also, sniper will try to reuse space from deleted/evicted records.
telnet localhost 11211
set a 0 0 5
get a
VALUE a 0 5
b52 use text version of memcache protocol. With this commands:
cmdAdd = []byte("add")
cmdReplace = []byte("replace")
cmdSet = []byte("set")
cmdGet = []byte("get")
cmdGets = []byte("gets")
cmdClose = []byte("close")
cmdDelete = []byte("delete")
cmdIncr = []byte("incr")
cmdDecr = []byte("decr")
cmdStats = []byte("stats")
cmdQuit = []byte("quit")
cmdVersion = []byte("version")
Database params (running as master/slave, 1Gb lru cache, 100 Mb ttl cache, stats after 3 days using):
STAT version 0.1.3
bytes 2301825272
heap_sys_mb 2103
curr_items 17165174
cmd_get 6660544669
cmd_set 6494641380
file_size 14172392544
test (on production, with ~2k active connections at same time):
./mc-benchmark -p 11222
====== SET ======
10000 requests completed in 0.10 seconds
50 parallel clients
3 bytes payload
keep alive: 1
56.39% <= 0 milliseconds
95.39% <= 1 milliseconds
100.00% <= 2 milliseconds
101010.10 requests per second
====== GET ======
10014 requests completed in 0.08 seconds
50 parallel clients
3 bytes payload
keep alive: 1
60.25% <= 0 milliseconds
100.00% <= 1 milliseconds
123629.63 requests per second
./mc-benchmark -n 100000 -p 11212
====== SET ======
100003 requests completed in 1.03 seconds
50 parallel clients
3 bytes payload
keep alive: 1
49.59% <= 0 milliseconds
99.16% <= 1 milliseconds
100.00% <= 2 milliseconds
96996.12 requests per second
====== GET ======
100018 requests completed in 0.98 seconds
50 parallel clients
3 bytes payload
keep alive: 1
51.55% <= 0 milliseconds
99.72% <= 1 milliseconds
99.99% <= 2 milliseconds
100.00% <= 3 milliseconds
101851.33 requests per second
Vadim Kulibaba @recoilme
source code is available under the MIT License.