Type | Tool used |
Build framework | cmake |
Toolchain | arm-none-eabi-gcc |
HAL | STM32 CubeMX |
Test framework | Unity |
Mocking framework | FFF |
Code coverage | lcov |
GDB utilities | GDB dashboard |
GDB server | openocd |
Documentation | doxygen |
- Clone complete repo including submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/rgujju/STM32_Base_Project <your_project_name>
But the problem with this is the CMSIS and FreeRTOS repos (submodules) are huge due to history and takes time to download.
- Clone this repo only and change paths of CMSIS and FreeRTOS in the CmakeLists.txt to the ones you already have.
git clone --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/rgujju/STM32_Base_Project <your_project_name>
components folder includes external libraries like RTOS, HAL, CMSIS, unity, and FFF mostly as git submodules.
modules folder contains sources for individual parts which can be unit tested.
test folder contains the tests for the modules.
Debug build is the default build if
is not specified during cross-compiling -
ARM Semihosting is turned on by default. To turn off use
is also a macro which is set if ARM semihosting is enabled. -
Most of the values like HSE, linker script, RTOS path, HAL path, CMSIS path, etc can be set in the configurable section of CMakeLists.txt in project root.
To add new modules, copy modules/simple_module to modules/<your_module_name> and rename
in the modules/<your_module_name>/CMakeLists.txt file, and addadd_subdirectory(<your_module_name>)
to the modules/CMakeLists.txt. Finally add<your_module_name>
to the MODULES_USED variable in CMakeLists.txt. -
For adding test for the modules, create test/test_<your_module_name>.c and add two lines as follows in test/CMakeLists.txt
list(APPEND tests_names "test_<your_module_name>") list(APPEND tests_flags " ")
make flash
to work openocd should be running.
mkdir -p build/test
Generate Makefile
cmake ../.. -DTARGET_GROUP=test
Build the tests
To run the tests
ctest --verbose
or to test and generate coverage report all together.
make coverage
The coverage report will be in build/test/coverage/index.html
mkdir -p build/release
Generate Makefile
cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../cross.cmake -DTARGET_GROUP=production
Generate elf
make <your_project_name>.elf
Load the board with elf
make flash
Note: To make FreeRTOS link with -flto
option during Release build -Wl,--undefined=vTaskSwitchContext
is passed to the linker.
mkdir -p build/debug
Generate Makefile
cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../cross.cmake -DTARGET_GROUP=production
Generate elf
make <your_project_name>.elf
Start GDB and load the board with elf with GDB dashboard output to eg: /dev/pts/12
make flash GDB_TTY=/dev/pts/12
Note: flash
target is not present when -DTARGET_GROUP=test
is provided.
Currently using terminator to split the terminal to two and output the GDB dashboard to the terminal on the right
In the above created folders (build/release, build/debug), use command
make docs
Documentation files will be generated in html and latex format. For example if command is used in build/release dir then
documentation will be generated in build/release/html/index.html
Note: docs
target is not present when -DTARGET_GROUP=test
is provided.
- This project uses the STM32F429 mcu but should be portable to any mcu.
- Replace components/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver and include/stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h with the HAL of your mcu.
- Replace include/STM32F4xx with the vendor files for your mcu. These files are basically the system, startup and header files of your mcu.
- The above 2 folders are provided by the vendor. In case of STM32, it is possible to use STM32CubeMX to generate them.
- Change MCU Setup, HAL Setup, and optionally RTOS Setup and CMSIS Setup in the CMakeLists.txt file.
- Linker script linker.ld needs to be changes according to your mcu memory. layout_base.ld also may be requried to be changed.