Welcome to the Automation Repository! This repository is designed to support automated testing and web automation using Chrome, Firefox, and Edge web drivers.
This repository contains automation scripts and configurations to automate tasks using web browsers. It provides support for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge web drivers. Whether you're looking to automate testing, web scraping, or any other web-related tasks, this repository can help you get started.
Before you begin using this repository, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:
- Chrome WebDriver - Download and install the Chrome WebDriver.
- Firefox WebDriver - Download and install the Firefox WebDriver.
- Edge WebDriver - Download and install the Edge WebDriver.
Open a terminal or command prompt. Change your current working directory to the root directory of your Maven project. For example:
cd /path/to/your/project
You also need Java and the necessary packages installed. You can do this by running the following command:
mvn install
Do you agree that having websites to practice our test automation skills is essential? When faced with dynamic elements like AJAX, Angular, and Kendo, where do you typically seek guidance? To address this need, I've curated a selection of my preferred websites for honing test automation proficiency:
- SauceDemo.com: http://saucedemo.com (web UI)
- ultimateqa.com/automation: https://ultimateqa.com/automation (web UI)
- Sample E-commerce mobile app: https://github.com/saucelabs/my-demo-app-rn (Android, iOS)
- Cypress Real World App: https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress-realworld-app (web UI)
- GitHub Users Search: https://gh-users-search.netlify.app/ (web UI, API)
- Contact List Web and API: https://thinking-tester-contact-list.herokuapp.com/ (web UI, API)
- RealWorld demo apps: https://github.com/gothinkster/realworld (web, React, Angular, Vue, Elm...)
- Telerik Multi Language Demo Site: https://www.telerik.com/support/demos (web UI)
- Webdriveruniversity.com: http://webdriveruniversity.com/index.html (web UI)
- ACME Demo Banking: https://demo.applitools.com/ (web UI)
- Dave Haeffner’s Practice Site: http://the-internet.herokuapp.com/ (web UI)
- ParaBank Bank Site: https://parabank.parasoft.com/parabank/index.htm (web, API)
- Restful-Booker: https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/ (API)
- JSONPlaceholder: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ (API)
- HTTPBin.org: https://httpbin.org/#/ (API)
- PetStore: https://petstore.swagger.io/ (API)
- E-commerce Clothing Site: http://automationpractice.com/index.php (web)
- Demoqa: http://demoqa.com/ (web)
- Compendiumdev.co.uk: https://compendiumdev.co.uk/ (web)
- React shopping cart: https://github.com/nadvolod/react-shopping-cart (React JS)
These websites offer diverse features and functionalities, which collectively provide a comprehensive platform for enhancing various aspects of automation skills. Updating it Further More. 🚀