This is a basic Express app with some basic routes. It also includes Terraform files that create a CI/CD pipeline and ECS cluster with an ALB.
To get started with the app, you can follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Install the dependencies:
cd nodejs-app
npm ci
- Start the app:
npm run start
- Install Terraform.
- Navigate to the terraform directory in the app.
- You will need to change the aws_account_id, codestar_connection_arn variables in the file to match your AWS account ID and the ARN of the CodeStar connection, here are aws guides on how to create a connection.
- Run terraform init to initialize Terraform.
- Run terraform apply to create the resources in AWS.
The following routes are available in the app:
- GET /hello - Returns a simple "Hello, world!" message.
- POST /hello - Returns a personalized greeting with the given name in the request body.
- GET /health - Returns a simple "OK" message.