Complete environment to run self-hosted project in an elegant way.
- Optional SSL support in the container
- Optional events support (allows live updates in the application)
- In comparison to other docker images, this one runs production environment...
- Very flexible, a lot of environment variables to configure
- Uses docker-compose to simplify setup, can be used also standalone or in Kubernetes/Swarm
- Uses standardized JINJA2 to generate configuration files
- Allows to change a lot of parameters without rebuilding the container
- With Makefile all tasks are automated enough to provide a fully working environment without need to adjust anything
Notice: This is not a official project and is not affiliated with Taiga Agile, LLC © or any other company, it's a completly grassroot project
Based on docker image built originally by Benjamin Hutchins and released on GPL license
Built docker images are licensed under MIT
Taiga is a project management platform for startups and agile developers & designers who want a simple, beautiful tool that makes work truly enjoyable.
The container is placed at
. There is no latest
tag, we do not like it, it's an unstable, dangerous idea to use latest.
Instead of latest
we tag each Taiga stable release with the release number ex.
See the list of available tags there: and check out the configuration reference.
# NOTICE 1: Check "Configuration reference" section of this README for list of available environment variables
# NOTICE 2: You need a working PostgreSQL server
# NOTICE 3: Use volumes to keep your uploads, else they will disappear on container recreation
sudo docker run \
-v $(pwd)/media:/usr/src/taiga-back/media \
-p 80:80 \
-e TAIGA_DB_HOST=some-db-host \
-e TAIGA_DB_USER=some-user \
-e TAIGA_DB_PASSWORD=some-password \
# get the sources
git clone
cd docker-taiga
# prepare the environment
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
# optionally if you do not have docker-compose
# pip install docker-compose
# edit configuration
cp .env.dist .env
edit .env
# start it!
rkd :start
# tadam...
To log-in first time you should go to the login page and enter "admin" as username, and "123123" as password. You can also log-in to the Django administration panel at http://localhost/admin/ (please remember about the slash at the end)
LDAP support can optionally be enabled by setting the TAIGA_LDAP
environment variable to true
. See the Dockerfile for a list of the environment variables used for configuring LDAP and their descriptions.
List of all environment variables that could be used.
# Enables Celery support
- CELERY_ENABLED # (default: false)
# Serializer type supported by Taiga at Celery
- CELERY_SERIALIZER_TYPE # (default: pickle)
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND # (default: noninteractive)
- DEBUG # (default: false)
# The maximum number of pending connections
- GUNICORN_BACKLOG # (default: 2048)
# Workers silent for more than this many seconds are killed and restarted
- GUNICORN_TIMEOUT # (default: 60)
# The number of worker processes for handling requests
- GUNICORN_WORKERS # (default: 4)
# The maximum number of simultaneous clients
# The maximum number of requests a worker will process before restarting
# The number of worker threads for handling requests
# The granularity of Error log outputs
- GUNICRON_LOG_LEVEL # (default: info)
# Set to "c" for English, pl-PL.UTF-8 for Polish etc.
- LANG # (default: en_US.UTF-8)
# Set to "c" for English, pl-PL.UTF-8 for Polish etc.
- LC_TYPE # (default: en_US.UTF-8)
# The DN to bind to the LDAP server with. If left blank the client will attempt to bind anonymously.
- LDAP_BIND_DN # (default: "")
# The password for the bind DN.
- LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD # (default: "")
# The LDAP attribute that will be used for the account's Email address.
- LDAP_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE # (default: "mail")
# The fallback authentication method to use if LDAP fails. This will allows users to login with either an LDAP account or a local account. Set to a blank string to prevent logging in with anything other than LDAP.
- LDAP_FALLBACK # (default: "normal")
# The LDAP attribute that will be used for the account's full name.
- LDAP_FULL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE # (default: "cn")
# The port to connect to the LDAP server on.
- LDAP_PORT # (default: 0)
# Whether or not to save the LDAP password in the local database. If `LDAP_FALLBACK` is set to `normal` this will allow users that have logged in with LDAP before to login even if the LDAP server is unavailable.
- LDAP_SAVE_LOGIN_PASSWORD # (default: "true")
# The root of the LDAP structure in which to search for user accounts.
- LDAP_SEARCH_BASE # (default: "")
# Additional filter added to the user account query.
# The LDAP server URL.
- LDAP_SERVER # (default: "")
# Set to `true` to enable StartTLS when connecting to the server.
- LDAP_START_TLS # (default: "false")
# The LDAP attribute that will be used for the account's Taiga username.
- LDAP_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE # (default: "uid")
# Interval (in seconds) for a background task that sends mails
- RKD_PATH # (default: "/opt/rkd/.rkd")
# Queue connection string
- TAIGA_BROKER_URL # (default: amqp://guest:guest@rabbit:5672)
# PostgreSQL database hostname
- TAIGA_DB_HOST # (default: postgres)
# PostgreSQL database name
- TAIGA_DB_NAME # (default: taiga)
# PostgreSQL database user password
- TAIGA_DB_PASSWORD # (default: )
# PostgreSQL database user login
- TAIGA_DB_USER # (default: taiga)
# Default locale ex. en, pl
- TAIGA_DEFAULT_LOCALE # (default: en)
# SMTP "From" header value
- TAIGA_EMAIL_FROM # (default: taiga@localhost)
# SMTP server host
- TAIGA_EMAIL_HOST # (default: smtp)
# SMTP user password
- TAIGA_EMAIL_PASS # (default: some-password)
# SMTP server port
- TAIGA_EMAIL_PORT # (default: 25)
# SMTP user login
- TAIGA_EMAIL_USER # (default:
# Use TLS encryption when sending mails
- TAIGA_EMAIL_USE_TLS # (default: true)
# Enable mail server
- TAIGA_ENABLE_EMAIL # (default: False)
# Enable or disable events?
- TAIGA_ENABLE_EVENTS # (default: false)
# Enable or not the webhooks
- TAIGA_ENABLE_WEBHOOKS # (default: False)
# Hostname for events server
- TAIGA_EVENTS_HOST # (default: events)
# Default container group id
- TAIGA_GID # (default: 1000)
# Hostname of your instance (domain ex. or subdomain -
- TAIGA_HOSTNAME # (default: localhost)
# Asana importer app ID
# Asana importer app secret
# Override callback URL for Asana importer. Will be automatically set based on Taiga URL if left blank.
# Enable the Asana project importer
- TAIGA_IMPORTER_ASANA_ENABLED # (default: "false")
# GitHub importer client ID
# GitHub importer client secret
# Enable the GitHub project importer
- TAIGA_IMPORTER_GITHUB_ENABLED # (default: "false")
# JIRA importer cert
- TAIGA_IMPORTER_JIRA_CERT # (default: "")
# JIRA importer consumer key
# Enable the JIRA project importer
- TAIGA_IMPORTER_JIRA_ENABLED # (default: "false")
# JIRA importer public cert
# Trello importer api key
# Enable the Trello project importer
- TAIGA_IMPORTER_TRELLO_ENABLED # (default: "false")
# Trello importer secret key
# Set to `true` to enable the LDAP authentication.
- TAIGA_LDAP # (default: false)
# List of plugins to enable eg. "slack, other, other" or just "slack"
- TAIGA_PLUGINS # (default: "")
# Redis url
- TAIGA_REDIS_URL # (default: "redis://redis:6379/0")
# Protocol http or https your instance will listen on
- TAIGA_SCHEME # (default: http)
# !!! Secret key, please change it with your own
- TAIGA_SECRET_KEY # (default: REPLACE-ME-j1598u1J^U*(y251u98u51u5981urf98u2o5uvoiiuzhlit3))
# Default container user id
- TAIGA_UID # (default: 1000)
# Timezone
- TZ # (default: "Europe/Warsaw")
# to build a 4.2.5 version of backend and frontend
rkd :build:snapshot --backend-version=4.2.5 --frontend-version=4.2.5-stable
- Not able to log-in or edit user settings
If you have trouble logging in or editing user settings it may be related to a failure sending emails. This will be accompanied by a [CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT
error in the logs. Try validating your email configuration or setting TAIGA_ENABLE_EMAIL
to false
to see if that fixes the issue.
- Using existing database
to point to your PostgreSQL hostname.
See also: #24
- Debugging, getting logs
In container there is a supervisor configured. Use supervisorctl
to access services.
supervisorctl status send_app_notifications
supervisorctl tail -f send_app_notifications stderr
supervisorctl tail -f backend stderr
supervisorctl tail -f nginx stderr
- Installing under subpath, not subdomain eg.
Sorry, you cannot. The application itself does not support it. See #32
- Running under custom port eg. 8002
Taiga's frontend requires a fixed url to be defined in a configuration file, the container is doing this on start - you only need to append port to TAIGA_HOSTNAME
Example: TAIGA_HOSTNAME=taiga.localhost:8002
(see: #41)
- The container is built on
- When you start working on it locally, please before commiting do the
rkd :generate-readme
(pull requests should be rejected, when something was added only to, not to README.j2, and when environment variables were added to Dockerfile but README file was not generated) - Use
for building, pushing, etc.
On Travis CI the build is triggered each month, then all recent versions of Taiga are built. Already existing docker tags are not overwritten. The build is also triggered on-commit. Snapshot version is made from master branch, and is always a latest master, can be unstable.
To release a bugfix version and REBUILD EXISTING TAGS just add "@force-rebuild" in commit message, recent 3 tags will be rebuilt (not all in registry).
The container has it's own versioning. There are a few rules:
- Releasing TEST builds requires tagging
branch with name containing "RC" eg.1.0-RC3
After tagging 1.0-RC3, recent 3 versions of Taiga will be built with RC eg. No main tag would be replaced, so stays untouched
- Development versions of the container
On each commit a SNAPSHOT version is produced. Snapshot means a not numbered version of docker container, replaces on each new commit.
Example of produced images on push: taiga:5.0.0-SNAPSHOT, taiga-5.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- Releasing STABLE images requires tagging
with just version number eg.1.0
When master
branch was tagged and pushed with eg. 1.0
, then 2 recent versions of Taiga would be rebuilt.
The main versions such as would be rebuilt, and new tags such as would be produced.
If you want to use only unchanged, stable releases, without getting hotfixes you should use a TAIGA VERSION + BUILD NUMBER, WITHOUT RC. Example:
Created by RiotKit Collective, a libertarian, grassroot, non-profit organization providing technical support for the non-profit Anarchist movement.
Check out those initiatives:
- International Workers Association (
- Federacja Anarchistyczna (
- Związek Syndykalistów Polski ( (Polish section of IWA-AIT)
- Komitet Obrony Praw Lokatorów (
- Solidarity Federation (
- Priama Akcia (