This project is a gym management application for gym management. This software has a backend, web version for administrators and a mobile version (android) for gym members.
Backend was developed with NodeJS and Express to make a rest api server.
Web version was built with React.JS and its features are: manage members, memberships, enrollments and questions.
Mobile version was built with React Native and tested only on android. Its features are: check-in tracker and send questions/read anwsers.
This project was developed to learn NodeJS, React and React Native as part of Rocketseat GoStack final project.
- NodeJS - JavaScript runtime environment;
- Yarn or npm - Package Manager;
- Docker Containerization platform;
- Docker-compose Multi-container Docker applications;
git clone
docker-compose up
# From the root folder
cd backend
yarn sequelize db:migrate
yarn sequelize db:seed:all
# From the root folder
cd frontend
# From the root folder
cd mobile
Create a .env file just as .env.example on backend folder and complete/change its credentials for postgres, mongo, redis and mailtrap.
# From the root folder
cd backend
yarn dev # Initializes server
yarn queue # Initializes email queue service
# From the root folder
cd frontend
yarn start # Initializes web application
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The administrator's credentials are:
# From the root folder
cd mobile
yarn start # Runs the metro bundler
yarn android # Runs the mobile version
Renan Marques -
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license. Read LICENSE for more details.