- Onyx is a turnkey, full stack NextJS 14+ progressive web app written in Typescript that includes role based access control (RBAC), complete Supabase SSR Auth and DB integration, Zod validation, Tanstack React Query, Rust serverless function runtime and API, Markdown pages with ability to insert React components, React Hook form, and more. Fork, customize, and deploy on Vercel or elsewhere to have your MVP up and running in a few days or less. Stack details are below.
- NextJS 14 App Router in Typescript
- Supabase
- SSR Auth with
- Fully configured email/password signup, login, oauth, PKCE and confirm routes
- middleware
- server actions
- typed Auth & DB clients
- readOnly userSession clients
- Postgres DB with CRUD functions configured
- User account and profile management configured
- RBAC configured admin dashboard with data visualization, members administration and todo lists
- Contact form with toast, Zod validation, server side table insert
- SSR Auth with
- TanStack React Query, Table, and Dev Tools
- Demo SSR with Supabase DB & cache helpers
- Zod data validation, schemas, event handling.
- Shadcn-UI, Radix-UI primitives, Tailwind CSS
- Markdown pages with Next/MDX - create page.mdx and layout.tsx for each markdown page
- Next-PWA
- Next Compose Plugins
- React Hook Form
- OpenAI playground UI
- Onboarding, signIn/signUp pages
- Podcast UI
- CookieButton component configured to work with Consent Manager from Termly free plan. Just create a free Termly account, add your Script tag on the app/layout page using Next Script and then add your CookieButton to your app/layout just above the ThemeProvider and just below your termly Script tag.
- Lucide React Icons with many brand SVGs ready for your props
- More..
- First, configure your environment
- Create a file named .env.local in project root
- Create a Supabase account and add the following to your env file
- NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_KEY="Your supabase anon key"
- SUPABASE_JWT_SECRET="Your supabase JWT secret"
- NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL="Your supabase project URL"
- SUPABASE_SERVIC_ROLE_KEY="Your supabase service role key"
- STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=sk_test_...
- Ensure your Supabase tables match the tables and types found in '@/lib/supabase'.
- Add authorized development and production URL's to Supabase URL config.
- Development server:
npm i && npm run dev
# or
yarn i && yarn run dev
# or
pnpm i && pnpm dev
# or
bun i && bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
- @chensokheng