- Implementation of python logging library http://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html for JavaScript.
- Highly customizable (visit examples).
- Provides an interface for applications and other logging libraries.
- Handlers to send log records (created by loggers) to the appropriate destination.
- Filters to determine which log records to output.
- Formatters to specify the layout of log records in the final output.
using npm
npm install pylogging
With default logger (the root logger)
var logging = require('pylogging');
logging.info('Info will be ignored as severity is set to logging.WARN.');
// <Prints nothing.>
logging.warn('I am warning.');
// WARN:root:I am warning.
logging.error('I am error: %s.', "Failed to get the data");
// ERROR:root:I am error: Failed to get the data.
With a module named logger instance with an handler.
var logging = require('./lib/main.js');
var logger = logging.getLogger('pylogging.examples');
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG); //Lets log everything.
// Create a console handler to write to the stdout/stderr.
var handler = new logging.ConsoleHandler();
handler.setFormatter(new logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s: %(msg)s\n"));
logger.info('Info will not be ignored as severity is set to logging.DEBUG.');
// Info will not be ignored as severity is set to logging.DEBUG.
logger.warn('I am warning.');
// WARN: I am warning.
logger.error('I am error: %s.', "Failed to get the data");
// ERROR: I am error: Failed to get the data.
For more examples and advance usage visit examples