Web app tool for helping compose advance search operators (aka Google dorking AKA boolean searches) for a variety of search engines
- Ryan Willett
- Ally Petitt
Web app tool for helping compose advance search operators (aka Google dorking AKA boolean searches) for a variety of search engines
This application can be used for:
- Introduction to use of advance search operators
- Base for cheat cheats and references around such operators
- Simplicity of construction of operators with numerous terms
Make sure you have Python version 3.8 or greater installed
Download the tool's repository using the command:
git clone https://github.com/rtwillett/DorkLab.git
Move to the tool's directory and install the tool
cd Dorklab
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
Run the application
# method 1
python app.py
# method 2
gunicorn app:app
The tool can be used by navigating to in the browser
- Part of speech (POS) tagging to detect nouns in the quicksearch queries to build that into the additional filter words
- Better detection of lookback and lookforward when one date is given in quicksearch
- More search engines:
- Brave
- DuckDuckGo