🔥 Since bigluck/sqs-queue-parallel is dead and no one is checking the issues and PRs, I decided to:
- Rewrite the library in plain JS (look ma! no coffeescript!)
- Fix bugs and issues reported by users of that repo
- Consider including the proposed PRs
- Change callback style methods to return
sqs-parallel is a node.js library build on top of Amazon AWS SQS with concurrency and parallel message poll support.
You can create a poll of SQS queue watchers, each one can receive 1 or more messages from Amazon SQS.
With sqs-parallel you need just to configure your AWS private keys, setup one or
more message
event listeners and wait for new messages to arrive.
npm install sqs-parallel --save
const { SqsParallel } = require('sqs-parallel');
// Simple configuration:
// - 2 concurrency listeners
// - each listener can receive up to 4 messages
// With this configuration you could receive and parse 8 `message` events in parallel
const queue = new SqsParallel({
name: 'sqs-test',
maxNumberOfMessages: 4,
concurrency: 2
queue.on('message', e => {
console.log('New message: ', e.metadata, e.data.MessageId);
e.deleteMessage().then(() => {
queue.on('error', err => {
console.log('There was an error: ', err);
This software is released under the MIT License.