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Sorcerers. Great adventure of magic and spells in Viking times for 1 or 2 interactive players, for the Amstrad CPC 464. (CPCtelera)


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///  SORCERERS  A 64k videogame for Amstrad CPC  ///


Einar, the great viking sorcerer of the Northern Lands, is dead.
He leaves an old and mysterious castle behind, located on the top of a prominent mount, just in the middle of an unfinished, dark and wet firs and pines forest.
That castle keeps a priceless secret. 
It is the tower library, which includes, among other things, some spells books, with all the knowledge from Einar and many elder sorcerers all along the centuries.
But the castle is closed since Einar died.
To avoid his legacy to fall into the wrong hands, Einar cast a last master spell a moment before his death.
Suddenly, all doors in the castle got closed with no chance to open them, as if an invisible lock got installed in every one of them.
All servants kept enclosed forever, and they became defenders’ zombies of all castle rooms.
It may seem that all that knowledge will be forgotten forever.
Are there no heirs or disciples, experts in that impressive fortress, capable of breaking the spells of each of the access gates?
Actually, we do know two guys interested in the castle, but they got lost into the forest and they are already late.
They are Sven and Erik, twin brothers, and Einar’s bastard sons.
They are sorcerer’s apprentices, and really fool, too.
Einar denied them and expelled them from the castle, after several attempts to teach them magic and sorcery.
Now, they have a chance to prove their value, and recover their lost honors.
Will any of them get to the tower and own the castle? We will know the answer soon.


1 Player: Your mission is to guide Sven to the top of the castle, trying to avoid all contact with the enemies. 
To open the gates of each level and move on to the next one, you must make a potion following the same recipe, and with the same ingredients.
These ingredients will be on the right part of the marker, into the “KEY” section.
In every screen of our game we can find a stand of the famous magic store “PotMark”.
Miss Gunilda will attend us kindly to offer us all the ingredients that we could need.
But remember: pay first! So, we should find cash first.
These coins, and other interesting objects, will appear randomly on screen for only a few seconds.
Don’t let them go!
If we make a different potion from the one we need, the door will not open, and we will have no option but to go to the well and throw it all, and start again with the potion. So, be careful! 

2 Players: In this game mode for two players you have to get 5 ingredients with the maximum power before your opponent (see list below).
Then, both players will fight on a magic duel.
The player with the most powerful potion will win the duel level and an extra life.
The loser player will lose one life, too.
In this way, it’s possible to long the fratricidal struggle to the very library doorstep.
The key is being faster than your opponent on creating a good potion, or avoid the encounter if you are not ready for that.
Anyway, you must keep far from the rivals.

GAME CONTROLS (default values*)

Player 1 	Player 2
--------------  --------------
W Move up 	5 Move up
S Move down 	2 Move down
A Move left 	1 Move left
D Move right 	3 Move right

M Music On/Off 	M Music On/Off
H Pause On/Off 	H Pause On/Off
X Finish 	X Finish

*Use the menu option "redefine controls" to use the joystick, moving in the desired direction.


Coin x1: These objects are the most numerous. They are useful to get the right potion. [5 points]

Coin x5: You need them to get the most expensive ingredients. They are essential for two players mode. [20 points]

Speed x2: That will give you an extra advantage to avoid enemies, or be faster than your opponent in two players mode. [25 points]

Extra life: The Prince of Persia gave the formula of this health potion to Einar on one of his trips to the Middle East. It's the same one he used in his fight against Jaffar the vizier. [30 points]


1 Toad Snot		[2 points]
2 Diamond Dust		[4 points]
3 Newt Eye		[6 points]
4 Mammoth Poop		[8 points]
5 Kraken Ink		[10 points]
6 Mermaid Tear		[12 points]
7 Martian Mushroom	[14 points]
8 Dragón Blood		[16 points]
9 Dodo Egg		[18 points]
10 Unicorn Blood	[20 points]
11 Troll Fat		[22 points]
12 Mordor Lava		[24 points]

The sum of the numbers assigned to each ingredient of the potion will give us the value of the final power.


Vampires have few predictable movements, but they can be very fast.
Sentinels and knights can have random movements too, depending on the map of the game.
In addition to the movements described above, ghosts can chase players throughout the walls (only in high levels). They are the most dangerous!
The witch search and shoot players when they get nearby.
The wizard stays hidden in all levels, but he appears and shoots when he detects still players for a few seconds. Keep active!


1) Restart the computer pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESC keys at the same time and in this order.
2) Put the cassette tape in the player, and rewind it from the beginning.
3) Press CTRL + ENTER (the little one) at the same time. You will see “PRESS PLAY THEN ANY
KEY” message on screen. Press the PLAY button on the tape and then any key.
The program will last 4 minutes to load.

SORCERERS - Copyleft (c) 2020

SalvaKantero:	Programming, Graphics, Cover, User Manual
McKlain:	Music and FX
Dany Cantero:	Translations
Blackmores:	Beta Testing
Felipe Monge:	Executive Producer


The background image of the cover and the loading screen are adaptations of the original image
"Beautiful Castle", designed by 0melapics / Freepik.
( )
Freepik License - Free for personal and commercial purpose with attribution.

CPCtelera v1.5 (development branch).  Copyright (C) 2014-2017 
By ronaldo / (Cheesetea/ Fremos, ByteRealms) and another awesome collaborators
CPCtelera low-level library and scripts are distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License v3.

Tiled v1.4.2 - by Thorbjørn Lindeijer. Copyright © 2008-2019
Tiled is distributed under GNU General Public License v2.0 (GPL)

Arkos Tracker 1 - by Targhan / SuperSylvestre. 
Arkos Tracker is freeware.

Paint.Net v4.2 - Copyright (C) dotPDN LLC, Rick Brewster, and contributors.
Paint.NET is free for use in any environment.

GIMP 2.10 - Copyright © 1995-2020 Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis y el equipo de desarrollo
GIMP is distributed under GNU General Public License v3

ConvImgCPC v0.16 - by Demoniak

LibreOffice v7.0 - by The Document Foundation.
LibreOffice is distributed under LGPLv3 and MPL licenses.

RetroVirtualMachine v2.0 B1 R7 - ©2019 Juan Carlos González Amestoy

SORCERERS is released under the GPL license, included with the source code.


Sorcerers. Great adventure of magic and spells in Viking times for 1 or 2 interactive players, for the Amstrad CPC 464. (CPCtelera)





