Expose your local Django app to the internet with ngrok
- Install with pip:
pip install django-ngrok
- Add django-ngrok to INSTALLED_APPS in your Django settings file:
- Set the
environment variable to your ngrok authtoken:
export NGROK_AUTHTOKEN="your-ngrok-authtoken"
- Run
python manage.py runserver_ngrok
to start a django development server and an ngrok tunnel pointing to the server address. You should expect to see the following output:
Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
December 13, 2024 - 19:58:42
Django version X.Y.ZZ, using settings 'your.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
ngrok forwarding to from ingress url: https://your-ngrok-domain.ngrok-free.app
django-ngrok uses the forward
method from ngrok-python
to create a tunnel to the Django development server. If you are using a simple setup, no configuration is necessary, and you can get up-and-running by following the quick start.
For a more explicit setup, you can add the NGROK_CONFIG
setting to your Django settings file. All options below are documented here. If you have any questions about how to use these options, please direct them to the ngrok-python
# session configuration
"authtoken": str,
"authtoken_from_env": True | False, # Defaults to True
"app_protocol": str,
"session_metadata": str,
# advanced session connection configuration
"server_addr": str,
"root_cas": str,
"session_ca_cert": str,
# listener configuration
"metadata": str,
"domain": str,
"schemes": list[str],
"proto": str,
"proxy_proto": str,
"labels": str,
# module configuration
"basic_auth": list[str],
"allow_user_agent": str,
"deny_user_agent": str,
"allow_cidr": str,
"deny_cidr": str,
"crt": bytes, # I assume bytes, docs don't specify, haven't tested it.
"key": bytes,
"mutual_tls_cas": bytes,
"oauth_provider": str,
"oauth_allow_domains": list[str],
"oauth_allow_emails": list[str],
"oauth_scopes": list[str],
"oauth_client_id": str,
"oauth_client_secret": str,
"oidc_issuer_url": str,
"oidc_client_id": str,
"oidc_client_secret": str,
"oidc_allow_domains": list[str],
"oidc_allow_emails": list[str],
"oidc_scopes": list[str],
"policy": str,
"request_header_remove": str,
"response_header_remove": str,
"request_header_add": str,
"response_header_add": str,
"verify_upstream_tls": True | False,
"verify_webhook_provider": str,
"verify_webhook_secret": str,
"websocket_tcp_converter": True | False,
Contributions and feedback are welcome! A contribution guide is upcoming, but if you have any questions, please feel free to open an issue or reach out directly.