Hi 🙂 Please go through the below steps to contribute.
Before going through with it make sure you have git client installed
First of all clone the project using git clone command or using the github desktop client.
# create a new folder and inside the folder open a new git Bash & do
git clone https://github.com/sameert89/SpeechRecognitionIEEE/
# once the project is cloned change to the newly created folder
cd SpeechRecognitionIEEE
# run
npm install
# once all the dependencies are installed you can go ahead and do
code .
# This will launch vscode with the folder in it.
Once the cloning part is done. You can do the below to run the app in dev environment.
npm run dev -- --open
If you followed above steps, then vscode should be open by now. Before you edit stuff always make sure to run
git pull origin master
This will sync your code with the one from the repository. Then you may edit the files. Since this is a single page app, all the edits will be done in routes/+page.svelte. After finishing editing you can save the files and do the following to update the repo.
# create a new branch
git branch your_branch_name
# switch to the new branch
git checkout your_branch_name
# add files & commit
git add . && git commit -m "Comment what you did in the commit"
# push this new branch to server
git push origin your_branch_name
# put any branch name that you want and stick to it. ALl the changes you do will go into that
# branch. It is the task of the admin to handle the merging.
Final step is to create a pull request. Open the github repo in your browser, tap on the branches and change from master to the branch you created as your_branch_name. There will be a new button to 'Compare & pull request'. Fill the necessary details & click Create pull request.
You are done!!!