Path is the second iteration of sack.
Unlike its predecessor, it shall refrain from being hundreds of lines of shellscript.
Path tags paths (file paths, URLs) to allow for rapid selection and manipulation.
- Tags paths
- Retrieve tagged paths
- Supports Unix pipes
Design | Prototype | Beta | Release
- Things that can be considered URLs (there is probably a library for this)
- Uninterrupted block of text that start with {"http://", "https://", "www", ...}
- Things that can be considered file system paths (might be a library for this too!)
- Words that match names of files and folders in current working directory (though non-recursive, probably).
- What about forward slashes for Windows systems?
- Describe what path should do in one sentence. Focus on building just that. It should do one thing and do it well.
- Feature list. Keep it small and relevant to core functionality. MVP.
- Design workflows and describe them as one would for a user-manual. If it's hard to describe, it's hard to use. Stay with "works-as-you-expect-it" conventions.
- Choose a language (Golang or Python)
- Map out architecture.
- Build it.
- Get feedback, iterate.
- (Future) sack-like support for tagging not just file paths, but search terms.