Angular 16 Shop admin dashboard. Content management system for managing an online shop for products which is also a web socket client. To run the server source code locally which is also the web socket client use this repo
- Dashboard stats showing order counts: For today, yesterday, this month, last month, this year
- Dashboard databased graph using Armcharts4 for visualizing daily orders
- Dashboard & stats for high performing products
- Dashboard & stats for income from products
- Tracking login & logout events using Events trigger a notification & view change
- Real-time notification using
- Role based access control
- Profile management
- Settings management
- Viewing order progress & changing order status
- List, Add, Update & Delete Products
- List, Add, Update & Delete Product Categories
- List, Add, Update & Delete Users
- List, Add, Update & Delete User Roles
$ bower install
$ npm install
$ ng serve --open
$ ./scripts/
Demo URL
password: demo_pass