A simple, yet fun top-down racing game with fun items and a variety of tracks.
Original Devs:
- Benjamin Zumbrunn
- Simeon Jackman
- Marco Leu
- Florian Spiess
Recent Devs:
- Silvan Heller
- Florian Spiess
- Loris Sauter
The original Power Racer game was created by The Pit Crew in 2015. As part of the Computer Science curriculum at University of Basel, students create a Java based multiplayer game on a client-server architecture. Benjamin Zumbrun, Simeon Jackman, Marco Leu and Florian Spiess originally created everything for this game on their own - code, sprites and sound. All credits belong to them.
System Requirements:
MacOSX/Linux/Windows with functional Java 1.8 installation.
To start a PowerRacer server through the console:
-Move to the directory containing the PowerRacer.jar
-Start the jar using the command:
java -jar PowerRacer.jar server <port>
To start a PowerRacer client through the console:
-Move to the directory containing the PowerRacer.jar
-Start the jar using the command:
java -jar PowerRacer.jar client <serverip>:<serverport>
To start a PowerRacer server through a graphical file manager:
-Move to the directory containing the PowerRacer.jar
-Double-click the PowerRacer.jar
-Click the button "Create Server"
To start a PowerRacer client through a graphical file manager:
-Move to the directory containing the PowerRacer.jar
-Double-click the PowerRacer.jar
-As soon as a server has been started, click the "Refresh" button
-Wait until the text "Refreshing..." disappears
-if your desired server appears in the list next to the "Refresh" button:
-Select it by clicking on it
-Click the "Join" button
-Enter its IP in the text field near the bottom of the window
-Click the "Direct Connect" button
If any issues arise, feel free to contact us.
Copyright 2015:
Marco Leu marco.leu@stud.unibas.ch
Benjamin Zumbrunn benzumbrunn@gmail.com
Simeon Jackman s.jackman@unibas.ch
Florian Spiess florian.spiess@stud.unibas.ch