This weather App getting outlook for current and upcomming weather in multiple cities. Cities is added to the search history(in LocalStorage). It uses OpenWeather API to retrieve weather data: city name, the date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, the humidity, the wind speed, and the UV index. View the UV index is presented with a color that indicates whether the conditions are favorable, moderate, or severe. Future weather conditions presented with a 5-day forecast that displays the date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, and the humidity If you prefer Celsius over Fahrenheit and Metric vs Imperial system you can switch it with a click of the button. For your convinience the app switches the background image accordingly to the weather conditions. Image provided from Also you have oppotunity to use map view of the conditions around such as : Precipitation, Wind Speed, Cloud coverage, Air Presure, Temperature. Information taken from OpenWeather maps API and maps from Open Street Map API.
visit the deployed page link to begin usage.
Visit the deployed page Weather Dashboard
The following image demonstrates needed the application functionality:
features presentation in 15 seconds
Greeting screen with saved cities and input form
In case input cities was not found alert popsup
Current weather dashboard look
List of maps displayed from openweathermap API using leaflet API and openstreetmap tiles and switching to Celsious
You can choose diffrent city also it change background from rapidapi API
shows different map from default
it adjust to mobile screen
Licensed under MIT License.
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Contact sbolotnikov
Here is this repo link:
Link: Weather Dashboard