ccl is the customizable configuration library, a collection of functions for application programmers wishing to interface with user-editable configuration files containing key/value pairs.
ccl is customizable because it allows the comment, key/value, and string literal delimiters to be programatically specified at runtime.
ccl is designed to be simple and portable; it has a small interface consisting of five functions and is written in ANSI/ISO C. ccl uses avl's implementation of binary search trees for backend storage.
ccl is hosted at
An example is the best way to understand how ccl works. A configuration file named example.conf
might contain:
## Sample configuration file
Desktop-Picture = /usr/images/earth.jpg
Position = Centered
"Background Color" = Black
The following code demonstrates how to parse and access this file using ccl:
#include "ccl/ccl.h"
struct ccl_t config;
const struct ccl_pair_t *iter;
/* Set configuration file details */
config.comment_char = '#';
config.sep_char = '=';
config.str_char = '"';
/* Parse the file */
ccl_parse(&config, "example.conf");
/* Iterate through all key/value pairs */
while((iter = ccl_iterate(&config)) != 0) {
printf("(%s,%s)\n", iter->key, iter->value);
/* Clean up */
When compiled, the snippet above produces the output
(Background Color,Black)