is an adventure game engine able to run Thimbleweed Park
It's an open source remake of Thimbleweed Park
's engine.
It's still a project in active development, and there are a lot of issues, don't hesitate to contribute or to fill out a bug report.
- Buy Thimbleweed park
- Go to your installation folder and copy these files:
directory - You can also copy your savegames from
Thimbleweed Park
(:warning: don't move your files, make a copy) - You can even keep your achievements by copying the
file - Ready ? Just type
engge 2
now supports Ransome unbeeped and also Italian voiceover.
Go to your installation folder and copy these files: ThimbleweedPark.ggpack3
to engge2
You can even create your own ggpack
and override the original assets à la Doom WAD 😉
Rename your ggpack
or ThimbleweedPark.ggpack4
or ThimbleweedPark.ggpack5
or ... you get it now 😄.
If it happens, create a file and named it Prefs.json
and write this content:
"key": "56ad"
The key value can be one of these values: "56ad"
, "566d"
, "5b6d"
, "5bad"
If it still doesn't work, try another key from above.
If you found a bug or something is annoying, don't give up! and please fill out a bug report.
You have 1 question or more, don't hesitate, ask.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/scemino/engge2.git
- Initialize submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Build and run:
nimble run
- engge was a C++ project, during the development I was frustrated by C++, I decided to fix the last bugs by starting from scratch and experimenting a new language: nim
Thanks to the authors of these projects which help me to accomplish this project:
- sdl2: Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.
- Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
- stb_image: from stb, single-file public domain (or MIT licensed) libraries for C/C++
- nimgl: Nim Game Library, a collection of bindings for popular libraries, mostly used in computer graphics
- squirrel: programming language Squirrel, this repository contains a modified version of the official squirrel library in extlibs/squirrel
- clipper: Polygon Clipping and Offsetting Library
- glm: (GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specifications.
And many thanks to the people how helped me with engge.