The missing Golang Strings Library
str makes some common string tasks a little simpler, so you can get on with writing your applications.
Many of these functions serve as Go analogues to some of the better PHP string functions (yes, they do exist).
Some things of note:
- All functions output a single string.
- If an error is encountered, or if a function cannot do its job, it outputs an empty string.
- There are no dependencies other than elements from the standard library
import ""
Pads a string left or right, similar to PHP's str_pad
sku := str.Pad("1234", "0", 8, str.PadLeft)
// 00001234
Your pad string may be longer than one character
id := str.Pad("1234", "ABC", 12, str.PadRight)
Note that for multi-character pads, if the padding doesn't land cleanly at the desired length, str.Pad
will overshoot the desired length until the padding is complete.
Gets a substring from a string.
month := str.Substring("2017-04-24", 5, 2)
// 04
day := str.Substring("2017-04-24", -2, 2)
// 24
You can use a negative value for the start, which, like PHP's substr
function, will pull from the back of the source string.
Pads a string with another string. This behavior is similar to PHP's str_pad
package main
import (
var partialNum = "1234"
func main() {
fmt.Println(str.Pad(partialNum, "0", 8, str.PadLeft))
// prints 00001234
fmt.Println(str.Pad(partialNum, "0", 8, str.PadRight))
// prints 12340000
fmt.Println(str.Pad(partialNum, "abcd", 8, str.PadLeft))
// prints abcd1234
fmt.Println(str.Pad(partialNum, "abcd", 10, str.PadLeft))
// prints abcdabcd1234
// The pad will be repeated at least until the length is satisfied.
// In some cases, like above, it will overshoot.
// It will NEVER undershoot
Gets a substring from a string. This behavior is similar to PHP's substr
package main
import (
var slug = "1234567890"
func main() {
fmt.Println(str.Substring(slug, 0, 3))
// prints 123
fmt.Println(str.Substring(slug, 1, 3))
// prints 234
fmt.Println(str.Substring(slug, -3, 3))
// prints 890
fmt.Println(str.Substring(slug, -1, 3))
// nonsense call, this prints 0
fmt.Println(str.Substring(slug, -11, 3))
// out of range, prints empty string
Returns the MD5 hash (hex-encoded string) of a supplied string.
package main
import (
func main() {
// prints 502d97cf15ded2b612eb7caf580440a5
Returns the SHA1 hash (hex-encoded string) of a supplied string.
package main
import (
func main() {
// prints ca23c160bcf89334a83bcad027c136381bf8cc2b
Returns the SHA256 hash (hex-encoded string) of a supplied string.
package main
import (
func main() {
// prints 6ce570942bcdd21116e930a66dd59cfbf23b075d1796d87e93951de43fabae4b
Returns the HMAC digest (hex-encoded) of a string with supplied options
If you don't set the default HMAC signing key, one will be generated for you, based on the hardware address of the first network interface the program finds.
This is not meant to replace the security of a strong signing key, but it is better than nothing.
package main
import (
var superSecretKey = "ILIKETURTLES!!!1"
func main() {
options := &str.HMACOptions{
KeyData: []byte(superSecretKey),
DigestType: str.HMACDigestTypeSHA256, // see hmac.go for digest types
// This will set the HMAC options globally
// prints 271b03817aa1bea17b1ef447eec434751fb71d5b6273324fc181c10b18e61463
// you can also just call HMACWithOptions directly
fmt.Println(str.HMACWithOptions("我爱“走”", options))
// prints 271b03817aa1bea17b1ef447eec434751fb71d5b6273324fc181c10b18e61463
Returns the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 32-bit checksum of a string.
package main
import (
func main() {
options := &str.CRC32Options{
PolynomialType: str.CRC32TypeK, // see crc32.go for polynomial types
// This will set the CRC32 options globally
// prints 2845165967
// you can also just call HMACWithOptions directly
fmt.Println(str.CRC32WithOptions("我爱“走”", options))
// prints 2845165967
Returns the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) 64-bit checksum of a string.
package main
import (
func main() {
options := &str.CRC64Options{
PolynomialType: str.CRC64TypeISO, // see crc64.go for polynomial types
// This will set the CRC64 options globally
// prints 17267613643596219338
// you can also just call HMACWithOptions directly
fmt.Println(str.CRC64WithOptions("我爱“走”", options))
// prints 17267613643596219338
Returns a string that is wrapped according to a specified behavior. The wrap is delimited by a specified string (default is '\n')
package main
import (
var longSentence = `This is a string that could very likely be broken up into more than one line. Maybe we should do that. Just a thought.`
func main() {
options := &str.WrapOptions{
Width: 24,
LineBreak: "\n",
Behavior: str.WrapAfterWord, // wrap after a word if it extends past line length
// set wordwrap options globally
This is a string that could
very likely be broken up
into more than one line.
Maybe we should do that.
Just a thought.
options = &str.WrapOptions{
Width: 24,
LineBreak: "\n",
Behavior: str.WrapBeforeWord, // wrap before the word if it will extend past the line length
fmt.Println(str.WrapWithOptions(longSentence, options))
This is a string that
could very likely be
broken up into more than
one line. Maybe we
should do that. Just a
options = &str.WrapOptions{
Width: 24,
LineBreak: "\n",
Behavior: str.WrapLiteral, // wrap exactly at the line length, do not trim whitespace (this is good for base64-encoded lines e.g. RFC 4648)
fmt.Println(str.WrapWithOptions(longSentence, options))
This is a string that co
uld very likely be broke
n up into more than one
line. Maybe we should do
that. Just a thought.
Returns a token based generated from user options
package main
import (
func main() {
// prints default format token that matches ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{20}$
// ex: 7wyxEyzgvsrEGdHcpbiU
options := &str.TokenOptions{
Length: 32,
Charset: `10`,
Prefix: ``,
// prints something like 00011110000110010100011010011111
options = &str.TokenOptions{
Length: 6,
Charset: `abcdef1234567890`,
Prefix: `#`,
// prints something like #cb4db