edx2bigquery is a tool for importing edX SQL and log data into Google BigQuery for research and analysis.
Read more about it in this writeup by the Harvard University Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning, and the article "Google BigQuery for Education: Framework for Parsing and Analyzing edX MOOC Data", by Glenn Lopez, Daniel Seaton, Andrew Ang, Dustin Tingley, and Isaac Chuang.
To get started, install the Google Cloud SDK first:
Then generate authentication tokens using "gcloud auth login". Make sure that "bq" and "gsutil" work properly.
Install edxcut dependency:
git clone https://github.com/mitodl/edxcut.git
pip install ./edxcut
To install:
python setup.py develop
Also, setup the file edx2bigquery_config.py in your current working directory. Example:
# sample edx2bigquery_config.py file
course_id_list = [
courses = {
'year2': course_id_list,
'all_harvardx': [
# google cloud project access
auth_key_file = "USE_GCLOUD_AUTH"
auth_service_acct = None
# google bigquery config
PROJECT_ID = "x-data"
# google cloud storage
GS_BUCKET = "gs://x-data"
# local file configuration
COURSE_SQL_BASE_DIR = "X-Year-1-data-sql"
COURSE_SQL_DATE_DIR = '2013-09-08'
To run:
Command help message:
usage: edx2bigquery [-h] [--course-base-dir COURSE_BASE_DIR] [--course-date-dir COURSE_DATE_DIR] [--start-date START_DATE] [--end-date END_DATE]
[--tlfn TLFN] [-v] [--parallel] [--year2] [--clist CLIST] [--clist-from-missing-table CLIST_FROM_MISSING_TABLE]
[--force-recompute] [--dataset-latest] [--download-only] [--course-id-type COURSE_ID_TYPE] [--latest-sql-dir] [--skiprun]
[--external] [--extparam EXTPARAM] [--submit-condor] [--max-parallel MAX_PARALLEL] [--skip-geoip] [--skip-if-exists]
[--skip-log-loading] [--just-do-nightly] [--just-do-geoip] [--just-do-totals] [--just-get-schema] [--only-if-newer]
[--limit-query-size] [--table-max-size-mb TABLE_MAX_SIZE_MB] [--nskip NSKIP] [--only-step ONLY_STEP] [--logs-dir LOGS_DIR]
[--listings LISTINGS] [--dbname DBNAME] [--project-id PROJECT_ID] [--table TABLE] [--org ORG] [--combine-into COMBINE_INTO]
[--add-courseid] [--combine-into-table COMBINE_INTO_TABLE] [--skip-missing] [--output-format-json] [--collection COLLECTION]
[--output-project-id OUTPUT_PROJECT_ID] [--output-dataset-id OUTPUT_DATASET_ID] [--output-bucket OUTPUT_BUCKET] [--dynamic-dates]
[--logfn-keepdir] [--skip-last-day] [--gzip] [--time-on-task-config TIME_ON_TASK_CONFIG] [--subsection]
command [courses [courses ...]]
usage: %prog [command] [options] [arguments]
Examples of common commands:
edx2bigquery --clist=all_mitx logs2gs
edx2bigquery setup_sql MITx/24.00x/2013_SOND
edx2bigquery --tlfn=DAILY/mitx-edx-events-2014-10-14.log.gz --year2 daily_logs
edx2bigquery --year2 person_course
edx2bigquery --year2 report
edx2bigquery --year2 combinepc
edx2bigquery --year2 --output-bucket="gs://harvardx-data" --nskip=2 --output-project-id='harvardx-data' combinepc >& LOG.combinepc
Examples of not-so common commands:
edx2bigquery person_day MITx/2.03x/3T2013 >& LOG.person_day
edx2bigquery --force-recompute person_course --year2 >& LOG.person_course
edx2bigquery testbq
edx2bigquery make_uic --year2
edx2bigquery logs2bq MITx/24.00x/2013_SOND
edx2bigquery person_course MITx/24.00x/2013_SOND >& LOG.person_course
edx2bigquery split DAILY/mitx-edx-events-2014-10-14.log.gz
positional arguments:
command A variety of commands are available, each with different arguments:
setup_sql <course_id> ... : Do all commands (make_uic, sql2bq, load_forum) to get edX SQL data into the right format, upload to
google storage, and import into BigQuery. See more information about each of those commands, below.
This step is idempotent - it can be re-run multiple times, and the result should not change.
Returns when all uploads and imports are completed.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
Accepts the --dataset-latest flag, to use the latest directory date in the SQL data directory.
Directories should be named YYYY-MM-DD. When this flag is used, the course SQL dataset name has
"_latest" appended to it.
Also accepts the "--clist=XXX" option, to specify which list of courses to act upon.
Before running this command, make sure your SQL files are converted and formatted according to the
"Waldo" convention established by Harvard. Use the "waldofy" command (see below) for this,
if necessary.
daily_logs --tlfn=<path> : Do all commands (split, logs2gs, logs2bq) to get one day's edX tracking logs into google storage
<course_id> and import into BigQuery. See more information about each of those commands, below.
... This step is idempotent - it can be re-run multiple times, and the result should not change.
Returns when all uploads and imports are completed.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
doall <course_id> ... : run setup_sql, analyze_problems, logs2gs, logs2bq, axis2bq, person_day, enrollment_day,
person_course, and problem_check for each of the specified courses. This is idempotent, and can be run
weekly when new SQL dumps come in.
nightly <course_id> ... : Run sequence of commands for common nightly update (based on having new tracking logs available).
This includes logs2gs, logs2bq, person_day, enrollment_day, person_course (forced recompute),
and problem_check.
--external command <cid>... : Run external command on data from one or more course_id's. Also uses the --extparam settings.
External commands are defined in edx2bigquery_config. Use --skiprun to create the external script
without running. Use --submit-condor to submit command as a condor job.
waldofy <sql_data_dir> : Apply HarvardX Jim Waldo conventions to SQL data as received from edX, which renames files to be
<course_id> ... more user friendly (e.g. courseware_studentmodule -> studentmodule) and converts the tab-separated
values form (*.sql) to comma-separated values (*.csv). Also compresses the resulting csv files.
Does this only for the specified course's, because the edX SQL dump may contain a bunch of
uknown courses, or scratch courses from the edge site, which should not be co-mingled with
course data from the main production site.
It is assumed that <sql_data_dir> has a name which contains a date, e.g. xorg-2014-05-11 ;
the resulting data are put into the course SQL base directory, into a subdirectory with
name given by the course_id and date, YYYY-MM-DD.
The SQL files from edX must already be decrypted (not *.gpg), before running this command.
Be sure to specify which course_id's to act upon. Courses which are not explicitly specified
are put in a subdirectory named "UNKNOWN".
make_uic <course_id> ... : make the "user_info_combo" file for the specified course_id, from edX's SQL dumps, and upload to google storage.
Does not import into BigQuery.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
make_roles <course_id> ... : make the "roles.csv" file for the specified course_id, from edX's SQL dumps
sql2bq <course_id> ... : load specified course_id SQL files into google storage, and import the user_info_combo and studentmodule
data into BigQuery.
Also upload course_image.jpg images from the course SQL directories (if image exists) to
google storage, and make them public-read.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
load_forum <course_id> ... : Rephrase the forum.mongo data from the edX SQL dump, to fit the schema used for forum
data in the course BigQuery tables. Saves this to google storage, and imports into BigQuery.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
makegeoip : Creates table of geoip information for IP addresses in person_course table missing country codes.
Accepts the --table argument to specify the person_course table to use.
Alternatively, provide the --org argument to specify the course_report_ORG dataset to look
in for the latest person_course dataset.
tsv2csv : filter, which takes lines of tab separated values and outputs lines of comma separated values.
Useful when processing the *.sql files from edX dumps.
analyze_problems <c_id> ... : Analyze capa problem data in studentmodule table, generating the problem_analysis table as a result.
Uploads the result to google cloud storage and to BigQuery.
This table is necessary for the analytics dashboard.
Accepts --only-step=grades | show_answer | analysis
analyze_videos <course_id> : Analyze videos viewed and videos watched, generating tables video_axis (based on course axis),
and video_stats_day and video_stats, based on daily tracking logs, for specified course.
analyze_forum <course_id> : Analyze forum events, generating the forum_events table from the daily tracking logs, for specified course.
analyze_ora <course_id> ... : Analyze openassessment response problem data in tracking logs, generating the ora_events table as a result.
Uploads the result to google cloud storage and to BigQuery.
analyze_idv <course_id> ... : Analyze engagement of IDV enrollees (and non-IDV enrollees) before end of the course, including
forum, video, and problem activity, up to the point of IDV enrollment (or last ever IDV enrollment
in the course, for non-IDVers). Also include context about prior activity in other courses,
if course_report_latest.person_course_viewed is available. Produces idv_analysis table, in each course.
problem_events <course_id> : Extract capa problem events from the tracking logs, generating the problem_events table as a result.
time_task <course_id> ... : Update time_task table of data on time on task, based on daily tracking logs, for specified course.
time_asset <course_id> ... : Update time_on_asset_daily and time_on_asset_totals tables of data on time on asset (ie module_id,
aka url_name), based on daily tracking logs, for specified course.
item_tables <course_id> ... : Make course_item and person_item tables, used for IRT analyses.
irt_report <coure_id> ... : Compute the item_response_theory_report table, which extracts data from item_irt_grm[_R], course_item,
course_problem, and item_reliabilities. This table is used in the XAnalytics reporting on IRT.
Note that item_reliabilities and item_irt_grm[_R] are computed using external commands, using
Stata and/or R. If item_irt_grm (produced by Stata) is available, that is used, in preference to
item_irt_grm_R (produced by mirt in R). This report summarizes, in one place, statistics about
problem difficulty and discrimination, Cronbach's alpha, item-test and item-rest correlations,
average problem raw scores, average problem percent scores, number of unique users attempted.
Standard errors are also provided for difficulty and discrimination. Requires the IRT tables to
already have been computed.
staff2bq <staff.csv> : load staff.csv file into BigQuery; put it in the "courses" dataset.
mongo2user_info <course_id> : dump users, profiles, enrollment, certificates CSV files from mongodb for specified course_id's.
Use this to address missing users issue in pre-early-2014 edX course dumps, which had the problem
that learners who un-enrolled were removed from the enrollment table.
split <daily_log_file> ... : split single-day tracking log files (should be named something like mitx-edx-events-2014-10-17.log.gz),
which have aleady been decrypted, into DIR/<course>/tracklog-YYYY-MM-DD.json.gz for each course_id.
The course_id is determined by parsing each line of the tracking log. Each line is also
rephrased such that it is consistent with the tracking log schema defined for import
into BigQuery. For example, "event" is turned into a string, and "event_struct" is created
as a parsed JSON dict for certain event_type values. Also, key names cannot contain
dashes or periods. Uses --logs-dir option, or, failing that, TRACKING_LOGS_DIRECTORY in the
edx2bigquery_config file. Employs DIR/META/* files to keep track of which log files have been
split and rephrased, such that this command's actions are idempotent.
logs2gs <course_id> ... : transfer compressed daily tracking log files for the specified course_id's to Google cloud storage.
Does NOT import the log data into BigQuery.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
logs2bq <course_id> ... : import daily tracking log files for the specified course_id's to BigQuery, from Google cloud storage.
The import jobs are queued; this does not wait for the jobs to complete,
before exiting.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
mongo2gs <course_id> ... : extract tracking logs from mongodb (using mongoexport) for the specified course_id and upload to google storage.
uses the --start-date and --end-date options. Skips dates for which the correspnding file in google storage
already exists.
Rephrases log file entries to be consistent with the schema used for tracking log file data in BigQuery.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
course_key_version <cid> : print out what version of course key (standard, v1) is being used for a given course_id. Needed for opaque key
handling. The "standard" course_id format is "org/course/semester". The opaque-key v1 format is
"course-v1:org+course+semester". Opaque keys also mangle what is known as a the "module_id", and
use something like "block-v1:MITx+8.MechCx_2+2T2015+type@problem+block@Blocks_on_Ramp_randxyzBILNKOA0".
The opaque key ID's are changed back into the standard format, in most of the parsing of the SQL
and the tracking logs (see addmoduleid.py), but it's still necessary to know which kind of key
is being used, e.g. do that jump_to_id will work properly when linking back to a live course page.
course_id is always stored in tradition format. course_key is kept in either standard or v1 opaque key
format. module_id is always standard, and kept as "org/course/<module_type>/<module_id>". In
the future, there may be a module_key, but that idea isn't currently used. This particular command
scans some tracking log entries, and if the count of "block-v1" is high, it assigns "v1"
to the course; otherwise, it assigns "standard" as the course key version.
axis2bq <course_id> ... : construct "course_axis" table, upload to gs, and generate table in BigQuery dataset for the
specified course_id's.
Accepts the "--clist" flag, to process specified list of courses in the config file's "courses" dict.
grading_policy <course_id> : construct the "grading_policy" table, upload to gs, and generate table in BigQuery dataset, for
the specified course_id's. Uses pin dates, just as does axis2bq. Requires course.tar.gz file,
from the weekly SQL dumps.
grades_persistent <course_id> : construct "grades_persistent", upload to gs, and
generate table in BigQuery dataset for the specified course_ids. If the option "--subsection" is used, construct "grades_persistent_subsection" instead.
grade_reports <course_id> : request and download the latest edx instructor grade report from the edx instructor dashboards.
For courses that are self-paced/on-demand, edX does not provide grades for non-verified ID users.
To fix this issue, this function was created to grab the latest grades for all users from the grade report
in the edX instructor dashboard. This requires the following updates to the following:
1) edx2bigquery_config.py:
PRIVATE_PATH = Location to Private path containing new edx_private_config.py
ORG_LIST = (Optional, if there are more than one possible org name. ex: ['HarvardX', 'Harvardx', 'VJx'])
2) edx_private_config.py (create new file in PRIVATE_PATH):
EDX_USER = edX login
EDX_PW = edX pw
**NOTE: In order to download grade reports, the edx account must have instructor level access
Optional command line args:
--download-only=Do not make a new grade report request, but just download the latest available
--course-id-type=specify either 'opaque' or 'transparent' (default) for the original raw course id
sample commands:
a) Request for new grade reports and then download based on list of self-paced/on-demand courses
After request is made, check if grade report is ready every 5 minutes.
MAXIMUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSES can be increased to make edX grade report requests in parallel
Recommend using --parallel command
self_paced_courses = [ 'ORG/COURSECODE1/TERM', 'ORG/COURSECODE2/TERM', ...]
NOTE: Listed courses should be in 'transparent' course id format (shown above)
This process may take anywhere between 0.5 - 3 hours per course
edx2bigquery --dataset-latest --course-base-dir=HarvardX-SQL --end-date="2019-01-01" --clist=self_paced_courses --parallel --course-id-type opaque grade_reports >& LOGS/LOG.gradereports
b) Download latest existing grade reports for a list of self-paced/on-demand courses (fast download)
This command may be used if there is an issue with the request
for instance, after issuing grade_reports command
self_paced_courses = [ 'ORG/COURSECODE1/TERM', 'ORG/COURSECODE2/TERM', ...]
NOTE: Listed courses should be in 'transparent' course id format (shown above)
Since only download is requested and no new request is made to edx, this process should be quick
edx2bigquery --dataset-latest --course-base-dir=HarvardX-SQL --end-date="2019-01-01" --clist=self_paced_courses --parallel --download-only --course-id-type opaque grade_reports >& LOGS/LOG.gradereports_download
recommend_pin_dates : produce a list of recommended "pin dates" for the course axis, based on the specified --listings. Example:
--> edx2bigquery --clist=all --listings="course_listings.json" --course-base-dir=DATA-SQL recommend_pin_dates
These "pin dates" can be defined in edx2bigquery_config in the course_axis_pin_dates dict, to
specify the specific SQL dump dates to be used for course axis processing (by axis2bq) and for course
content analysis (analyze_course). This is often needed when course authors change content after
a course ends, e.g. to remove or hide exams, and to change grading and due dates.
make_cinfo listings.csv : make the courses.listings table, which contains a listing of all the courses with metadata.
The listings.csv file should contain the columns Institution, Semester, New or Rerun, Course Number,
Short Title, Title, Instructors, Registration Open, Course Launch, Course Wrap, course_id
analyze_content : construct "course_content" table, which counts the number of xmodules of different categories,
--listings listings.csv and also the length of the course in weeks (based on using the listings file).
<course_id> ... Use this for categorizing a course according to the kind of content it has.
pcday_ip <course_id> ... : Compute the pcday_ip_counts table for specified course_id's, based on ingesting
the tracking logs. This is a single table stored in the course's main table,
which is incrementally updated (by appending) when new tracking logs are found.
This table stores one line per (person, course_id, date, ip address) value from the
tracking logs. Aggregation of these rows is then done to compute modal IP addresses,
for geolocation.
The "report" command aggregates the individual course_id's pcday_ip tables to produce
the courses.global_modal_ip table, which is the modal IP address of each username across
all the courses.
pcday_trlang <course_id> ...: Compute pcday_trlang_counts table for specified course_id's, based on ingesting
the tracking logs. This is a single table stored in the course's main table and
incrementally updated (by appending) when tracking logs are found. This command is run
as part of doall and nightly commands.
This table stores one line per (person, course_id, date, resource_event_data,
resource_event_type) from the tracking logs, where 'resource_event_data' = video
transcript language, and 'resource_event_type' = transcript_language or
transcript_download. Using this table, another table
language_multi_transcripts is created to capture counts per user per language
and then the modal language is computed per user.
The "report" command aggregates the individual course_id's pcday_trlang_counts tables
to produce a courses.global_modal_lang table. This table represents the modal
language per user across all courses, based on transcript language events.
person_day <course_id> ... : Compute the person_course_day (pcday) for the specified course_id's, based on
processing the course's daily tracking log table data.
The compute (query) jobs are queued; this does not wait for the jobs to complete,
before exiting.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
enrollment_day <c_id> ... : Compute the enrollment_day (enrollday2_*) tables for the specified course_id's, based on
processing the course's daily tracking log table data.
The compute (query) jobs are queued; this does not wait for the jobs to complete,
before exiting.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
person_course <course_id> ..: Compute the person-course table for the specified course_id's.
Needs person_day tables to be created first.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
Accepts the --force-recompute flag, to force recomputation of all pc_* tables in BigQuery.
Accepts the --skip-if-exists flag, to skip computation of the table already exists in the course's dataset.
report <course_id> ... : Compute overall statistics, across all specified course_id's, based on the person_course tables.
Accepts the --nskip=XXX optional argument to determine how many report processing steps to skip.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
combinepc <course_id> ... : Combine individual person_course tables from the specified course_id's, uploads CSV to
google storage.
Also imports the data into BigQuery.
Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
problem_check <c_id> ... : Create or update problem_check table, which has all the problem_check events from all the course's
tracking logs.
attempts_correct <c_id> ... : Create or update stats_attempts_correct table, which records the percentages of attempts which were correct
for a given user in a specified course.
ip_sybils <course_id> ... : Create or update stats_ip_pair_sybils table, which records harvester-master pairs of users for which
the IP address is the same, and the pair have meaningful disparities in perfomance. Requires that
attempts_correct be run first.
temporal_fingerprints <cid> : Create or update the problem_check_temporal_fingerprint, show_answer_temporal_fingerprint, and
stats_temporal_fingerprint_correlations tables. Part of problem analyses. May be expensive.
show_answer <course_id> ... : Create or update show_answer table, which has all the show_answer events from all the course's
tracking logs.
enrollment_events <cid> ... : Create or update enrollment_events table, which has all the ed.course.enrollment events from all the course's
tracking logs.
rephrase_logs : process input tracking log lines one at a time from standard input, and rephrase them to fit the
schema used for tracking log file data in BigQuery. Used for testing.
testbq : test authentication to BigQuery, by listing accessible datasets. This is a good command to start with,
to make sure your authentication is configured properly.
get_course_tables <cid> : dump list of tables in the course_id BigQuery dataset. Good to use as a test case for parallel execution.
get_tables <dataset> : dump information about the tables in the specified BigQuery dataset.
get_table_data <dataset> : dump table data as JSON text to stdout
get_course_data <course_id> : retrieve course-specific table data as CSV file, saved as CID__tablename.csv, with CID being the course_id with slashes
--table <table_id> replaced by double underscore ("__"). May specify --project-id and --gzip and --combine-into <output_filename>
get_course_table_status : retrieve date created, date modified, and size of specified table, for each course_id. Outputs CSV by default.
<cid> --table <table_id> use --output-format-json to output json instead.
get_data p_id:d_id.t_id ... : retrieve project:dataset.table data as CSV file, saved as project__dataset__tablename.csv
May specify --gzip and --combine-into <output_filename>
get_table_info <dataset> : dump meta-data information about the specified dataset.table_id from BigQuery.
delete_empty_tables : delete empty tables form the tracking logs dataset for the specified course_id's, from BigQuery.
<course_id> ... Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
delete_tables : delete specified table form the datasets for the specified course_id's, from BigQuery.
--table <table_id> <cid> Will skip if table doesn't exist.
delete_stats_tables : delete stats_activity_by_day tables
<course_id> ... Accepts the "--year2" flag, to process all courses in the config file's course_id_list.
check_for_duplicates : check list of courses for duplicates
--clist <cid_list>...
courses courses or course directories, depending on the command
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--course-base-dir COURSE_BASE_DIR
base directory where course SQL is stored, e.g. 'HarvardX-Year-2-data-sql'
--course-date-dir COURSE_DATE_DIR
date sub directory where course SQL is stored, e.g. '2014-09-21'
--start-date START_DATE
start date for person-course dataset generated, e.g. '2012-09-01'
--end-date END_DATE end date for person-course dataset generated, e.g. '2014-09-21'
--tlfn TLFN path to daily tracking log file to import, e.g. 'DAILY/mitx-edx-events-2014-10-14.log.gz'
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity
--parallel run separate course_id's in parallel
--year2 increase output verbosity
--clist CLIST specify name of list of courses to iterate command over
--clist-from-missing-table CLIST_FROM_MISSING_TABLE
iterate command over list of course_id's missing specified table
--force-recompute force recomputation
--dataset-latest use the *_latest SQL dataset
--download-only For grade_reports command when downloading grades through edxapi, get latest only without making a request
--course-id-type COURSE_ID_TYPE
Specify 'transparent' or 'opaque' course id format type. When downloading grades through edxapi, specify that course id format is the old legacy format (e.g.: HarvardX/course/term) or new format (e.g.: course-v1:HarvardX+course+term
--latest-sql-dir use the most recent SQL data directory (for person_course)
--skiprun for external command, print, and skip running
--external run specified command as being an external command
--extparam EXTPARAM configure parameter for external command, e.g. --extparam irt_type=2pl
--submit-condor submit external command as a condor job (must be used with --external)
--max-parallel MAX_PARALLEL
maximum number of parallel processes to run (overrides config) if --parallel is used
--skip-geoip skip geoip (and modal IP) processing in person_course
--skip-if-exists skip processing in person_course if table already exists
--skip-log-loading when processing a 'doall' command, skip loading of tracking logs
--just-do-nightly for person_course, just update activity stats for new logs
--just-do-geoip for person_course, just update geoip using local db
--just-do-totals for time_task or time_asset, just compute total sums
--just-get-schema for get_course_data and get_data, just return the table schema as a json file
--only-if-newer for get_course_data and get_data, only get if bq table newer than local file
--limit-query-size for time_task, limit query size to one day at a time and use hashing for large tables
--table-max-size-mb TABLE_MAX_SIZE_MB
maximum log table size for query size limit processing, in MB (defaults to 800)
--nskip NSKIP number of steps to skip
--only-step ONLY_STEP
specify single step to take in processing, e.g. for report
--logs-dir LOGS_DIR directory to output split tracking logs into
--listings LISTINGS path to the course listings.csv file (or, for some commands, table name for course info listings)
--dbname DBNAME mongodb db name to use for mongo2gs
--project-id PROJECT_ID
project-id to use (overriding the default; used by get_course_data)
--table TABLE bigquery table to use, specified as dataset_id.table_id or just as table_id (for get_course_data)
--org ORG organization ID to use
--combine-into COMBINE_INTO
combine outputs into the specified file as output (used by get_course_data, get_data)
--add-courseid adds course_id as a new field, when combining outputs into a file (used with get_course_data)
--combine-into-table COMBINE_INTO_TABLE
combine outputs into specified table (may be project:dataset.table) for get_data, get_course_data
--skip-missing for get_data, get_course_data, skip course if missing table
--output-format-json output data in JSON format instead of CSV (the default); used by get_course_data, get_data
--collection COLLECTION
mongodb collection name to use for mongo2gs
--output-project-id OUTPUT_PROJECT_ID
project-id where the report output should go (used by the report and combinepc commands)
--output-dataset-id OUTPUT_DATASET_ID
dataset-id where the report output should go (used by the report and combinepc commands)
--output-bucket OUTPUT_BUCKET
gs bucket where the report output should go, e.g. gs://x-data (used by the report and combinepc commands)
--dynamic-dates split tracking logs using dates determined by each log line entry, and not filename
--logfn-keepdir keep directory name in tracking which tracking logs have been loaded already
--skip-last-day skip last day of tracking log data in processing pcday, to avoid partial-day data contamination
--gzip compress the output file (e.g. for get_course_data)
--time-on-task-config TIME_ON_TASK_CONFIG
time-on-task computation parameters for overriding default config, as string of comma separated values
--subsection Add grades_persistent_subsection instead of grades_persistent