baspy is a python package to make it easier to analyse large climate datasets using Xarray (, Iris (, or any other python package that can read in netcdf/PP/grib/HDF files.
Setup your PYTHONPATH to point to your directory of python scripts. Then download (or git clone) baspy python package.
$> mkdir ~/PYTHON
$> export PYTHONPATH="$HOME/PYTHON" # <- add to ~/.bashrc
$> git clone
see and edit
Once you have set this up all file loading should become transparent
Reading data:
import baspy as bp
### Retrieve a filtered version of the CMIP5 catalogue as a Pandas DataFrame
df = bp.catalogue(dataset='cmip5', Model='HadGEM2-CC', RunID='r1i1p1',
Experiment='historical', Var=['tas', 'pr'],
### Iterate over rows in catalogue
for index, row in df.iterrows():
### In Xarray
ds = bp.open_dataset(row)
### Or... In Iris
cubes = bp.get_cube(row)
Other Examples: