Responsible Clock using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- GitHub - Used as remote storage of my code online.
- Atom - Used as a local IDE.
- Compressjpeg - Used to compress images for loading faster
- Techsini - Used to generate multi-device website mockup
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- HTML - Used as the base for markup text.
- CSS - Used as the base for cascading styles.
- JavaScript: Used for user interactions.
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- Create repository in GitHub and give it a relevant name.
- Click on your repository to open it.
- Find the “settings” tab and click on it.
- Scroll down until the “GitHub Pages” sections.
- Under the “source” drop down menu, choose a branch. I chose “master branch” and select it.
- You will then see a URL to your live webpage. In my case the URL is
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- Again, click on the repository called Simon game
- Along the top bar, find the “clone or download” button.
- Here you have the option to clone by HTTPS or SSH.
- Once you have chose your desired option, then click the copy icon next to the URL.
- Open Git Bash.
- Ensure you are in the correct directory which you want to copy the code into. If not, change the directory.
- In the terminal, write $ git clone
- Press the enter button and your clone will be created.
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Sources of the images used on this site:
From images sub-directory - Github
- favicon.ico - Flaticon | copyright Those Icons
background image - Unsplash | copyright Caleb George