The game is played on a grid that's 3 squares by 3 squares.
Player 1 is X, Player 2 is O. Players take turns putting their marks in empty squares.
The first player to get 3 of his marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.
When all 9 squares are full, the game is over. If no player has 3 marks in a row, the game ends in a tie.
Travel Time option: Players can go back in time to the previous moves in the game by clicking on the buttons on the right side of the screen.
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- GitHub - Used as remote storage of my code online.
- Atom - Used as a local IDE.
- Compressjpeg - Used to compress images for loading faster
- Techsini - Used to generate multi-device website mockup
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- HTML - Used as the base for markup text.
- CSS - Used as the base for cascading styles.
- JavaScript: Used for user interactions.
- React: front end, JavaScript library used for building user interfaces or UI components. The main purpose of React is to be fast, scalable, and simple.
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- An adequate version of
is installed. Here's the adequate version I use:
$ node --version
- An adequate version of
is installed. Here's the adequate version I use:
$ npm --version
A GitHub account
A command-line Git client setup according to GitHub
Create an empty repository on GitHub and give it a relevant name. In my case the repo sitory is named
- By empty, I mean without a
file, a.gitignore
file, aLICENSE
file, or any other files.
- By empty, I mean without a
Create a new React app on your computer.
$ npx create-react-app my-app
- This is the app you will deploy to GitHub Pages in step 7.
Install the
package as a "dev-dependency" of the app.
$ cd my-app
$ npm install gh-pages --save-dev
Add some properties to the app's
file.- At the top level, add a
property. Define its value to be the stringhttp://{username}.github.io/{repo-name}
, where{username}
is your GitHub username, and{repo-name}
is the name of the GitHub repository you created in step 1. Since my GitHub username issctlcd
and the name of my GitHub repository isreact-tic-tac-toe
, I added the following property:
//... "homepage": "http://sctlcd.github.io/react-tic-tac-toe", //...
- In the existing
property, add apredeploy
property and adeploy
property, each having the values shown below:
"scripts": { //... "predeploy": "npm run build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d build" //... }
- At the top level, add a
Create a git repository in the app's folder.
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/path/to/react-gh-pages/.git/
Add the GitHub repository as a "remote" in your local git repository.
$ git remote add origin https://github.com/sctlcd/react-tic-tac-toe.git
- This will make it so the gh-pages package knows where you want it to deploy your app in step 7.
- It will also make it so git knows where you want it to push your source code (i.e. the commits on your master branch) in step 8.
Generate a production build of your app, and deploy it to GitHub Pages.
$ npm run deploy
- That's it! Your app is now accessible at the URL you specified in step 4.
- In my case, my app is now accessible at: https://sctlcd.github.io/react-tic-tac-toe/
- Check GitHub repository:
branch did not exist, agh-pages
branch did exist.gh-pages
branch contained the built app code, as opposed to the app's source code.
Optionally, commit your source code to the "master" branch and push your commit to GitHub.
$ git add . $ git commit -m "Create a React app and publish it to GitHub Pages" $ git push origin master
- GitHub repository:
branch now existed, and it contained the app's source code. - So, the master branch held the source code, and the gh-pages branch held the built app code.
- GitHub repository:
In Github click on your repository
to open it. -
Find the “settings” tab and click on it.
Scroll down until the “GitHub Pages” sections.
Under the “source” drop down menu, choose a branch. I chose “gh-pages” and select it.
You will then see a URL to your live webpage. In my case the URL is https://sctlcd.github.io/react-tic-tac-toe/
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- Again, click on the repository called react-tic-tac-toe
- Along the top bar, find the “clone or download” button.
- Here you have the option to clone by HTTPS or SSH.
- Once you have chose your desired option, then click the copy icon next to the URL.
- Open Git Bash.
- Ensure you are in the correct directory which you want to copy the code into. If not, change the directory.
- In the terminal, write
$ git clone https://github.com/sctlcd/react-tic-tac-toe.git
- Press the enter button and your clone will be created.
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Sources of the images used on this site:
- From public directory - Github
- favicon.ico | copyright Freepik
- React Tic-Tac-Toe tutorial - React
- Deployment - Create React App
- Deploying a React App* to GitHub Pages - Github
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