ServerTap is a REST API for Bukkit, Spigot, and PaperMC Minecraft servers. It allows for server admins to query and interact with their servers using simple REST semantics.
Head over to to grab the latest and greatest plugin JAR.
Join the Discord to talk about this plugin
Note: If you have a question please post in the support forum on our discord instead of just asking in general chat. This helps us keep track of issues and questions more effectively and answer your questions quicker.
- Usage
- ServerTap Command
- Current Endpoints
- Authentication
- Webhooks
- Websockets
- Using the Developer API
- Contributing to ServerTap
Install this plugin by dropping the jar into the plugins/
directory on your
server. Then, you can query the server using curl
or Postman, or anything that speaks
For example, query for information about the server itself:
$ curl http://localhost:4567/v1/server
"name": "Paper",
"motd": "This is my MOTD",
"version": "git-Paper-89 (MC: 1.15.2)",
"bukkitVersion": "1.15.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT",
"health": {
"cpus": 4,
"uptime": 744,
"totalMemory": 2010644480,
"maxMemory": 2010644480,
"freeMemory": 1332389360
"bannedIps": [],
"bannedPlayers": [
"target": "phybros",
"source": "Server"
Or get a list of players that are currently online:
$ curl http://localhost:4567/v1/players
"uuid": "55f584e4-f095-48e0-bb8a-eb5c87ffe494",
"displayName": "phybros",
"address": "localhost",
"port": 58529,
"exhaustion": 3.5640976,
"exp": 0.45454547,
"whitelisted": false,
"banned": false,
"op": true
ServerTap currently supports only one management command in game. The supported subcommands are reload
& info
which as their names imply let you reload and display basic information about the plugin (version, author, etc).
Note: The Permission for the /servertap
Command is servertap.admin
This plugin self-hosts its own API documentation using Swagger. You can see the full API documentation at You can even explore and test the API right from the UI!
Some examples of capabilities are:
- Ping
- Server
- Get/Add/Remove Ops
- Get/Add Whitelist
- Get/Save/List Worlds
- List/Read Scoreboard(s)
- Broadcast
- List/Find Players
- Get/Pay/Debt Economy (W/ Plugin)
- List Plugins
ServerTap supports TLS (a.k.a. SSL) via a Java "keystore" file. You can generate a keystore for yourself using the keytool
that ships with Java.
Using TLS is highly recommended as it encrypts the requests and responses to/from your server on the wire.
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias servertap -keystore selfsigned.jks -validity 365 -keysize 2048
Enter keystore password:
Re-enter new password:
What is your first and last name?
<you can mostly answer whatever you want to all these questions>
Make sure to save the output file selfsigned.jks
into the plugins/ServerTap
Then in config.yml
enabled: true
keystore: selfsigned.jks
keystorePassword: testing
Then make sure to use https://
when talking to the API.
TLS optionally supports Server Name Indication (SNI) since v0.5.0
. Set tls.sni
to true
in your config to enable it
(expert). 99.9% of users won't need to think about this option and can just leave it false
Authentication is very rudimentary at this point. Add this to your plugins/ServerTap/config.yml
useKeyAuth: true
key: some-long-super-random-string
Then include a Header called key
with your specified key on every request to Authenticate.
We need help making this better! See #5 for more info.
By default, ServerTap allows cross-origin requests from any origin (*
). To change this, change the corsOrigins
setting in the config file.
The setting supports as many origins as you want, just add them to the array.
ServerTap can send webhook messages in response to events on the server.
To use webhooks, just define them in your plugins/ServerTap/config.yml
file like so:
listener: ""
- PlayerJoin
- PlayerQuit
The webhook requests are POST
containing a simple JSON payload:
"player": {
"uuid": "55f584e4-f095-48e0-bb8a-eb5c87ffe494",
"displayName": "phybros",
"address": "localhost",
"port": 52809,
"exhaustion": 0,
"exp": 0.5714286,
"whitelisted": true,
"banned": false,
"op": true
"joinMessage": "§ephybros joined the game",
"eventType": "PlayerJoin"
The available events are currently:
ServerTap has a bi-directional websockets interface which allows you to receive server log lines in realtime (no polling!).
Once connected, any server log line that goes through the normal logging filters on the server will come down the websocket in a JSON object like this:
"message": "§6/version: §fGets the version of this server including any plugins in use",
"timestampMillis": 1631834015918,
"loggerName": "",
"level": "INFO"
Note: you can use a library like ansicolors to parse the color codes for the browser.
Connect to ws://<host>:4567/v1/ws/console
(or use wss://
if you
have TLS enabled). The last 1000 server log messages will be sent
to the connecting client. You can configure the size of the server log
buffer by changing websocketConsoleBuffer
in config.yml
You can also send commands through the WS connection and they will be executed on the server.
Since you can't set headers on websocket connections, you can't use the
header key
to authenticate like you can with regular API routes.
Instead you must set a cookie called x-servertap-key
on the page hosting
the websocket connection.
// set cookie to authenticate the connection
document.cookie = "x-servertap-key=change_me"; = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:4567/v1/ws/console"); = function() {
console.log("Opened connection");
Note: If you don't have authentication enabled, you are basically opening a remote admin console to your server up to the internet (bad idea).
ServerTap provides a Developer API allowing you to register your own Request Handlers and Websockets from your Plugin!
To get ServerTap Builds you can use Jitpack. First, add the Jitpack Repository to your pom.xml
Then you can add the following Dependency:
Replace the Version with the latest available Releases Version Number.
You can retrieve the API using Bukkits ServiceProvider:
// In your Main Class extended from JavaPlugin, for example in the onEnable() Method
ServerTapWebserverService webserverService = this.getServer().getServicesManager().load(ServerTapWebserverService.class);
The Interface provides you with methods to directly add Endpoints to the Webserver:
webserverService.get("/test/ping", ctx -> ctx.status(200).result("Pong!"));
webserverService.websocket("/test/ws", websocketConfig -> {
websocketConfig.onMessage(wsMessageContext -> System.out.println(wsMessageContext.message()));
Your Endpoints (HTTP & WebSocket) are protected the same way all other Endpoints in the Server are.
The API provides the getWebserver()
Method that will return the internal Javalin Instance.
This will give you deep access to the Webserver providing you every ability possible.
Be careful not to break ServerTaps Functionality (e.g. the AccessManager checking Security)!
Use this only if necessary.
You need a few things to get started
- An IDE (e.g. IntelliJ)
- JDK 19
- Maven
Then, you can build the plugin jar
by using the mvn package