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This is the repository for Mystery Languages. Mystery languages are based on the paper Teaching Programming Languages by Experimental and Adversarial Thinking.



Install this package using the Racket package manager:

  • Option 1: from DrRacket, go to File | Install Package, and enter the URL (If DrRacket says missing dependencies, click Show Details | Dependencies Mode | Auto)

  • Option 2: at the command line (your OS terminal, not in DrRacket), run

    raco pkg install

    Make sure your paths are set correctly so that you're installing the package for the right version!


To make sure your install succeeded, in DrRacket (or the command line, if you know what you're doing), run the following:

#lang mystery-languages/strings


You should see output like

L1: 3
L2: 3
L3: 3

This means everything is alright!

Learn More

You should probably watch this video before you continue; everything below will make much more sense.


There are two parts: testing, and the languages.

This documentation can be a little overwhelming initially. That's because it documents an entire family of languages. As you get closer to the end, you'll probably be grateful to have all the documentation on one page…but it does mean it can be a little intimidating at first. Don't worry!


In all of these languages, you can just write and run expressions as usual, or you can write tests to either express what you expect or record what you saw. Testing is a little funny because all these languages produce many values, not one! Therefore, the mystery language package provides a new testing form, TEST:

(TEST <expr> <constant:expected> …)

Thus you might write

(TEST (+ 4 5) 9 9 9)

(assuming there were three language variants). This means you expect each of the three languages to produce 9.

One subtlety. If instead of the above you write

(TEST (+ 4 5) 9 9 (+ 5 4))

that means you don't expect the third language to produce 9, but rather the symbolic expression (+ 5 4). That's what it means for each of the expected answers to be a constant.

In case you're wondering why… Imagine that you write an expression. This expression needs to be evaluated. In which language would it be evaluated? The whole point is that the languages might differ, so there could be multiple outcomes. To avoid confusion, this package assumes you will do all your computation inside the expression, and check only for constants in testing.

Sometimes, a test intentionally ends in an error (as a way of showing that one language errors while another does not). Instead of forcing you to write a complex error condition, you can just write failure in that position. Similarly, sometimes it's useful to say that a value is not some other value, again to emphasize difference. You can then say (not <constant>). For instance:

(TEST (/ 1 0) failure failure failure)

says that (/ 1 0) will lead to an error in all the languages;

(TEST (+ 1 2) 3 3 (not 2))

says that (+ 1 2) does not evaluate to 2 in the third language.

This is a rather unsurprising and perhaps odd use of not, but there are times when writing the exact answer is hard, and all we want to emphasize is that it is not some other exact, easy-to-write answer.

The Languages

Below is the documentation of all the mystery languages. Most languages build on top of other languages; the notation [arithmetic +] means “all the features of arithmetic; in addition…”. strings is provided only for demonstration purposes.

All languages have basic constants: numbers (like 0, 1.3), strings (like "", "hi"), booleans (#t or #true, and #f or #false).

All languages use prefix-parenthetical syntax. Thus we add 1 and 2 as follows:

(+ 1 2)    ;; produces 3

Because the parentheses disambiguate, most operations can take any number of parameters, such as:

(+ 1 2 3)  ;; produces 6
(+ 1)      ;; produces 1
(+)        ;; produces 0

Because this is common to all languages, we do not explicate this syntax below. Because there are no infix operators, there are no other rules for function operations. We only introduce syntax when it is not an expression.


++ string=? string-ref

++ appends strings. string=? compares them for equality. string-ref refers to part of a string.


+ - * /
< <= > >=
= <>

Most of these operations are self-explanatory. <> is not-equal. defvar defines variables:

(defvar <var:name> <expr:value>)

For instance:

(defvar x 3)
(TEST x 3 3 3)


[arithmetic +]
if and or not

The if takes three parts:

(if <expr:conditional> <expr:then-part> <expr:else-part>)

For instance:

(TEST (if #t 1 2) 1 1 1)


[conditionals +]

deffun defines functions:

(deffun (<var:fun-name> <var:param-name> …) <expr:body>)

The notation above means “zero or more of”. Thus the following are all legal function definitions:

(deffun (f) 3)
(deffun (g x) (+ x x))
(deffun (h x y z) (++ x y z))

(TEST (f) 3 3 3)
(TEST (g 5) 10 10 10)
(TEST (h "a" "b" "c") "abc" "abc" "abc")


[fun-calls +]
lambda λ let
empty list cons
map filter

These extra constructs have the same meaning as in Racket. Links to Racket's document: lambda and λ, let, empty, list, cons, map, and filter.


[fun-calls +]
object oget

object defines objects, and oget accesses their fields. Their syntaxes are as follows:

(oget <expr:obj-valued> <name:field>)
(object [<name:field> <expr:value>] ...)

where name can be either a variable-name or an expression. For instance,

(defvar o (object [a 43] [b "hello"]))
(TEST (oget o a) 43 43 43)


[fun-calls +]

begin allows a sequence of expressions:

(begin <expr> …)

set! changes the value of a variable:

(defvar v 3)
(set! v 4)
(TEST v 4 4 4)


[fields +]

oset changes the value of a field. Its syntax is:

(oset <expr:obj-valued> <name:field> <expr:new-value>)

For instance:

(defvar o (object [a 43] [b "hello"]))
(oset o a 17)
(TEST (oget o a) 17 17 17)


[mut-vars +]

No new constructs! Just new behavior…


Mystery Languages






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