This is the repository for the new ABDM sandbox documentation currently under development. You can preview the documentation produced by this repo at
If you want to contribute to improving the documentation, write with your github id to and we will add you as a collabrator to this project
- This documentation uses Hugo to build the final documentation site.
- We recommend installing hugo on your local machine if you are making changes across multiple pages
- You can clone this directory to your system using git clone --recursive
- The folder structure is very important. All pages are under the directory "content".
- Familiarize your self with how Hugo organizes content
- Each folder under content represents a chapter
- The page contains the content for the chapter's starting page
- You can add as many pages to a chapter or create a new folder to create a sub-chapter
- The order of the pages are controlled by the "weight" parameter in the header of each page
- All pages are written using Markdown - Editor: dillinger markdown editor and Markdown Cheatsheet
- Sublime Text Editor is recommended for use to edit Markdown content on your local system
- The content uses Mermaid for sequence diagrams. If you change the theme ensure it supports mermaid
- Put images and other resources under the static folder. If you add to static folder reference your image using a path like /abdm-docs/img/
- Put images in the same content folder as the page your are editing. Reference the image using the path ../
- Use {{< gallery dir="folder name" >}} shortcode for a carousel of images. Full path from Content must be specified for folder. eg: 1-basics/. This is based on hugo-easy-gallery
Every time you checkin / update a file on this project, an action is automatcially run (see the Github Actions tab). Hugo is used to build the final documentation set and this is pushed back into the repository under the gh-pages branch.
To deploy the final site on your own domain you can fetch the gh-pages branch