This certbot plugin automates the process of completing a dns-01 challenge by creating, and subsequently removing, TXT records using the ArvanCloud DNS API.
Install this package via pip in the same python environment where you installed your certbot.
pip install certbot-dns-arvancloud
To start using DNS authentication for the ArvanCloud DNS API, pass the following arguments on certbot's command line:
Option | Description |
--authenticator certbot-dns-arvancloud:dns-arvancloud |
select the authenticator plugin (Required) |
--certbot-dns-arvancloud:dns-arvancloud-credentials |
ArvanCloud DNS API credentials INI file. (Required) |
--certbot-dns-arvancloud:dns-arvancloud-propagation-seconds |
Seconds to wait for the TXT record to propagate |
From the ArvanCloud control panel at go to "API Tokens" and add a personal access token.
An example credentials.ini
certbot_dns_arvancloud:dns_arvancloud_api_token = Apikey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx
To acquire a certificate for
certbot certonly \\
--authenticator certbot-dns-arvancloud:dns-arvancloud \\
--certbot-dns-arvancloud:dns-arvancloud-credentials /path/to/my/arvancloud.ini \\
To acquire a certificate for *
certbot certonly \\
--authenticator certbot-dns-arvancloud:dns-arvancloud \\
--certbot-dns-arvancloud:dns-arvancloud-credentials /path/to/my/arvancloud.ini \\
-d '*'
This package is based on and