31 Days of Programming Challenge - Machine Learning & Data Analysis.
- Programming Language: Python;
- Framework: Streamlit;
- Tools: Machine Learning, Data Analysis Libraries & Modules;
👋 My name is Arman, and I have accepted the challenge of 31 days of coding from GrowthHungry
📚 I'm currently learning Data Science
and Machine Learning
👨💻 All of my projects are available at my GitHub
Title | Project | Description | Reference |
Day_#1 | 🏀 NBA Player Stats Explorer | This app analyzes data about NBA Basketball Player Stats in Regular Seasons! Data taken from official resource using web scraping! | Data Professor |
Day_#2 | 📈 Stocks Price Web App | This app retrieves the list of the S&P 500 from Wikipedia and analyzes these companies' stats using yfinance! | Data Professor |
Day_#3 | 🧰 Streamlit Toolkit | This app provides fully-explained useful cheatsheet for Streamlit Framework! | Streamlit Docs |
Day_#4 | 💎 No-Code ML Web App based on XGBoostRegressor | This app provides a no-code web interface to use XGBoostRegressor for training & testing Machine Learning Models based on various datasets. | Data Professor |
Day_#5 | 🗃️ Excel & CSV Files Multi Merger | This app merges multiple excel & csv files into one file. | Data Professor |
Day_#6 | 📊 Machine Learning Model Performance Calculator | This app evaluates the performance of machine learning models using various metrics. | Data Professor |
Day_#7 | 🖼️ Image Quality Enhancement Web App | This app enhances the quality of an image using various techniques. | OpenCV Docs |
Day_#8 | 😺 Github Profile Data Analyzer Web App | This app analyzes the data of any Github profile using Github API. | Github API Docs |
Day_#9 | 🧑 Face Recognition Web App | This app detects faces in uploaded images using Haar Cascades. | OpenCV Haar Cascades |
Day_#10 | 💡 Multi-Object Classifier Web App | This app predicts the class of different objects in an image using a pre-trained MobileNetV2 model. | MobileNetV2 |
Day_#11 | 👾 Tensorflow Image Classification DL Model Training Baseline | This app trains a simple CNN model on the MNIST dataset using Tensorflow. | Tensorflow Guide |
Day_#12 | 🌸 Tensorflow Simple Iris Classification App | This app demonstrates a simple TensorFlow Iris classification model using the Sklearn Iris dataset. | Tensorflow Guide |
Day_#13 | 🏠 Tensorflow Regression Model Training Based on Boston Housing Dataset | This app demonstrates a simple Tensorflow regression model using the Boston Housing dataset. | Tensorflow Guide |
Day_#14 | 📝 Text Summarization using HuggingFace Transformers | This app is a simple text summarization app using HuggingFace Transformers. | HuggingFace Transformers |
Day_#15 | 📝 Text Sentiment Analysis using HuggingFace Transformers | This app is a simple text sentiment analysis app using BERT model from HuggingFace Transformers. |
HuggingFace Transformers |
Day_#16 | 📝 Text Completion using HuggingFace Transformers | This app is a simple text completion app using GPT-2 model from HuggingFace Transformers. | HuggingFace Transformers |
Day_#17 | 📝 Named Entity Recognition (NER) using BERT model from HuggingFace | This app helps to identify the entities in a given text. The bert-base-NER model used from HuggingFace. |
HuggingFace Transformers |
Day_#18 | 📝 Text English to French Language Translation App | This app uses the Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-fr model to translate English text to French. |
HuggingFace Transformers |
Day_#19 | 📷 Instagram Analytics Web App | This app uses the instaloader library to download Instagram profile data. |
Instaloader |
Day_#20 | 🥮 Cryptocurrency Analytics Web App | This app is cryptocurrency analytics dashboard that allows you to analyze price, volume, and volatility of different cryptocurrencies. | Cryptocompare API |
Day_#21 | 💰 Data Scientists Salary Analysis | This app shows how to use Streamlit to create charts and plots for data visualization on the example of Data Scientists Salary Analysis. | Streamlit Docs |
Day_#22 | 🧹 Image Background Remover Web App | This app removes the background of an image using a python rembg module. |
tyler-simons/BackgroundRemoval |
Day_#23 | 🛠️ QazNLTK - kazakh language processing library based Web App | This app show the basic usage of QazNLTK library. |
Day_#24 | 📰 HackerNews Streamlit App | This app is a clone of HackerNews in Streamlit UI. | HackerNews API |
Day_#25 | 📜 Certificate of Completion Generator | This app is a simple certificate of completion generator using OpenCV and Pillow . |
OpenCV Docs |
Day_#26 | 🗺️ Streamlit Maps Web App | This app is a demo of the Streamlit Maps functionality. | Streamlit Docs |
Day_#27 | ⏰ Time Series Forecasting with NeuralProphet | This app is a demo of Time Series Forecasting with NeuralProphet. | NeuralProphet |
Day_#28 | ⚙️ Optuna - Auto Hyperparameter Tuning WebApp | This app is a demo of Optuna - Auto Hyperparameter Tuning. | Optuna Docs |
Day_#29 | 🧠 Brain Tumor Detection using TensorFlow | This app is a demo of Brain Tumor Detection using TensorFlow. | Tensorflow Guide |
Day_#30 | 📚 Storytelling with Data Visualization using ipyvizzu |
This app is a simple example of how to use ipyvizzu to create interactive data visualization. |
Data Professor |
Day_#31 | 🎄 Happy New Year 2024 Streamlit App! | This app is a last app for 2023 Github 31 Days of Streamlit Challenge. | Streamlit Community |
🧐 Author: Arman Zhalgasbayev - @grembim
📬 Email: supwithproject@gmail.com
📦 Project Link (Github Repository): https://github.com/silvermete0r/31github/
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