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tool for ripping Australian real estate listings

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uses realestate-data to rip listings from

this module has not been properly tested, and as such, deviating too far from the examples counts as misuse, and may cause unpredicatable behaviour

i made this for personal use, and i'm sharing it in case someone else finds it useful


git clone

.env (example)

    # comma-separated lists; no spaces; required

POSTCODES="2600,2601,2602"         # main search parameter; more can be added
STATES="ACT,NSW,VIC,QLD,NT,SA,TAS"  # WA is not supported (not sure why)

    # target location (for distance calculations); not required, can be omitted

# idk where this is btw
TARGET_LAT=-35.308056  # latitude (in decimal degrees north)
TARGET_LON=149.124444  # longitude (in decimal degrees east)

    # price range (in AUD); not required, can be omitted; defaults shown below

PRICE_MIN=10000    # minimum price; not validated in-app; can be zero
PRICE_MAX=10000000  # maximum price; not validated in-app


cd realestatebot

    # make sure to set up `.env` before running

pip install -r requirements.txt
python realestatebot/


this is a library, so you can use it in your own projects

pip install realestatebot

try it yourself with this example

from json import dump
from os   import path as os_path
from sys  import path as sys_path

from realestatebot import main

with open(os_path.join(sys_path[0], 'out.json'), 'w') as file:

            postcodes   = {2600},
            states      = {'ACT'},
            target      = (-35.308056, 149.124444),
            price_range = (10_000, 10_000_000),

        )[0].to_dict(orient="records"), file, indent=4



feature basic better finished
code comments x
code quality x
documentation x
error handling x
examples x
logging x
modulation x
output formats x
performance x
reliability x
requirements x
search parameters x
security x
tests x