A modern, responsive portfolio website built with Next.js, React, and AWS serverless infrastructure.
- Overview
- Tech Stack
- Features
- Project Structure
- Getting Started
- Deployment
- Infrastructure
- System Architecture
- Contact
This website serves as my professional portfolio, showcasing my development projects, skills, and experiences. It features a responsive design with dark/light mode, interactive UI components, and a serverless contact form powered by AWS Lambda and SES.
- Framework: Next.js 15.1.3
- UI Library: React 18.2.0
- Type Safety: TypeScript 5
- Styling:
- TailwindCSS 3.4.1
- Shadcn UI components (built on Radix UI)
- CSS Animations (tailwindcss-animate)
- Theme Management: next-themes
- Form Handling:
- react-hook-form 7.54.2
- zod 3.24.2 (validation)
- @hookform/resolvers 4.1.0
- UI Components:
- Radix UI primitives
- sonner (toast notifications)
- lucide-react (icons)
- react-rough-notation (highlighting effects)
- Security: react-google-recaptcha 3.1.0
- AWS Services:
- AWS Amplify (hosting/deployment)
- AWS Lambda (serverless functions)
- AWS SES (email service)
- @aws-sdk/client-lambda
- @aws-sdk/client-ses
- @aws-sdk/credential-providers
- Responsive Design: Mobile-first approach with adaptive layouts
- Theme Switching: Dark/light mode with system preference detection
- Interactive UI: Modern animations and transitions
- Project Showcase: Portfolio of development projects with tech stack tags
- Contact Form: Serverless form processing with validation and reCAPTCHA
- Certifications Display: Professional certifications section
- Testimonials: Social proof from colleagues and clients
- AWS Integration: Serverless backend for form processing
├── app/ # Next.js App Router
│ ├── api/ # API routes
│ ├── layout.tsx # Root layout
│ └── page.tsx # Main page
├── components/ # UI components
│ ├── ui/ # Reusable UI components
│ ├── hero.tsx # Hero section
│ ├── about.tsx # About section
│ ├── projects.tsx # Projects section
│ ├── tech-stack.tsx # Tech stack section
│ ├── experience.tsx # Experience section
│ ├── contact-form.tsx # Contact form
│ └── ...
├── lib/ # Utility libraries
├── public/ # Static assets
│ └── images/ # Images and icons
└── utils/ # Utility functions
└── actions.ts # Server actions
- Node.js 18.17.0 or later
- npm or yarn
- AWS account (for backend functionality)
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/simoncheam/portfolio.git cd portfolio
Install dependencies
npm ci
Start the development server
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser
Create a .env.local
file with the following variables:
This project is configured for deployment using AWS Amplify:
- The CI/CD pipeline is configured in
- Environment variables are injected during the build process
- Runtime configuration for AWS credentials is handled by
The deployment process:
- Push changes to the main branch
- AWS Amplify automatically builds the Next.js application
- Assets are distributed via Amazon CloudFront
The backend infrastructure is managed as code using AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit). The infrastructure is deployed using cdk deploy
The infrastructure includes:
- AWS Lambda function for processing contact form submissions
- AWS SES for sending emails
- IAM roles and policies for secure access
- AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and logging
The infrastructure code is available in a separate branch:
This diagram illustrates how the Next.js frontend connects with AWS services to create a serverless contact form system.