CineMoon is a movie decision app that helps you find the perfect film to watch based on your preferences, mood, and interests.
- Explore a vast collection of movies from various genres, time periods, and countries.
- Receive personalized film recommendations tailored to your unique tastes.
- Refine your search based on factors such as genre, release date, film rating, runtime, and more.
- Discover films similar to your favorites, explore works by renowned directors, and find movies featuring your beloved actors and actresses.
- Access content advisory information to navigate violence, intense scenes, and other factors that may impact your viewing experience.
- Save films to your watchlist and keep track of movies you want to watch.
- Rate and review movies to share your thoughts and help others discover great films.
- Share your film choices with friends on social media.
- Explore curated lists, trending movies, and popular recommendations within the CineMoon community.
To get started with CineMoon, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository.
git clone
- Install the necessary dependencies.
- Run the app locally.
yarn dev
- Open Expo GO to test out your application.
We welcome contributions to enhance CineMoon and make it even better. If you have any ideas, improvements, or bug fixes, please submit a pull request.
Before contributing, please review our contribution guidelines.
CineMoon is released under the MIT License.
CineMoon utilizes the TMDB API for movie data. Special thanks to TMDB for providing access to their database.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please reach out to us at
Enjoy discovering and watching fantastic films with CineMoon!