DEPRECATED See `dexsim
A simple library to create Uniswap pools for agent-based modeling or other experimentation. This code makes it easy to configure and deploy a number of token pools for trading.
See the example
folder and tests
Not current available on PyPi. You can install with pip via Github:
> pip install unisim@git+
The project uses hatch to manage the virtual environment. Hatch is not required. But, it's highly recommended to use a python virtual environment. If you want to use hatch:
Once hatch
is installed, from within this directory run:
> hatch shell
This switches to the local virtual environment. The first time you run the command all the dependencies in pyproject.toml
will be installed. Additionally, anytime you add deps
they will be auto-installed when switching into the virtual environment.
To run the example:
> python
The project's dependencies include jupyter
for the notebooks in the project. You start it in this directory by running:
> jupyter lab
A pool is made up of a pair of tokens that can be exchanged. Each token is configured with a symbol name and initial exchange price.
Required imports:
# Required contracts
from unisim.abis import (
# pool and token API
from unisim.pool import Pool, Token
Creating the EVM:
# Load all the contract from the snapshot
with open("./snapshots/base.json") as b:
state =
evm = PyEvm.from_snapshot(state)
Setup required contracts with the EVM:
factory = uniswap_factory_contract(evm)
router = uniswap_router_contract(evm)
nft = uniswap_nftpositionmanager(evm)
Configure the tokens:
# Set the fee for the pool
fee = 500
# Setup each token with a symbol name and price.
# note the price is in $. Token1 is usually always 1.
# In this example the exchange rate is 1 WETH == 3300 USDC
token0 = Token("USDC", 3300)
token1 = Token("WETH", 1)
Finally create the pool:
pool = Pool(evm, token0, token1, fee, router, nft, deployer)
You can now use the pool API to perform almost all functions on the exchange: swap, add/remove liquidity, and more. See example and tests.