is a simple command line utility that let you create and compiles new effes.
As you may ask what is an effe
, an effe is an isolable computation unit, it is been build to be an open source alternative to AWS Lambda.
gives you the possibility to manage fairly large projects completely written using effes
Since effe
s are state-less they provide you the foundation to build infinitely scalable systems, effe-tool
provides the ability to manage those systems in a sane way.
and effe-tool
are built in go, I am assuming that you are not completely foreign to the languange.
You need to have go
installed on your machine; if you type go
in your terminal something should happen.
Assuming your $GOPATH is set and that your $PATH contains $GOPATH/bin, then the quickest way to get effe-tool
go get github.com/siscia/effe-tool
followed by
go install effe-tool
Otherwise you can simply download the source file and compile it yourself.
To create your first effe
all you need to do is effe-tool new foo.go
This command will created the file foo.go
Such file is already a valid effe
, it serves as introductory example, but it is very scarse and you can easily bend it to your will.
simo@simo:~/gopath$ effe-tool new foo.go
Successfully created the new effe, path: foo.go
simo@simo:~/gopath$ cat foo.go
package logic
import (
// it is possible to import any library in your gopath
var Info string = `
"name": "hello_effe", // these info will be used to
"version": "0.1", // create the name of the executable
"doc" : "Getting start with effe"
type Context struct {
value int64
func Init() {
func Start() (Context, error) {
fmt.Println("Start new Context")
return Context{1 + rand.Int63n(2)}, nil
func Run(ctx Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello from Effe: %d\n", ctx.value)
return nil
func Stop(ctx Context) { return }
Compile your effe
is very simple as well. Continuing the example above all you need to do is effe-tool compile foo.go
This simple command will compile your effe
, the executable will be called as specified in the Info
variable inside the source file.
It is also possible to specify in what directory put the executable, --dirout dir_name
(default to out/
) and how to call the executable, --out name
, by default it will be called using the variable Info
inside the source file.
simo@simo:~/gopath$ effe-tool compile foo.go
File: foo.go | Everything went good, the file is been compiled.
Executable path: /home/simo/gopath/out/hello_effe_v0.1
simo@simo:~/gopath$ tree out/
└── hello_effe_v0.1
0 directories, 1 file
Please keep in mind that effes are compiled with the option GCO_ENABLE=0
This because it makes possible to run effe
in a extremely light container.
Since the GCO disabled could break something, is still possible to compile with GCO enabled, just pass the --cgo
option during the compilation phase.
simo@simo:~/gopath$ effe-tool compile foo.go
File: foo.go | Everything went good, the file is been compiled.
Executable path: /home/simo/gopath/out/hello_effe_v0.1
simo@simo:~/gopath$ ldd out/hello_effe_v0.1
not a dynamic executable
simo@simo:~/gopath$ effe-tool compile --cgo foo.go
File: foo.go | Everything went good, the file is been compiled.
Executable path: /home/simo/gopath/out/hello_effe_v0.1
simo@simo:~/gopath$ ldd out/hello_effe_v0.1
linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fffceffe000)
libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007ffd5ac85000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007ffd5a8c0000)
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007ffd5aecd000)
It is also possible to compile a whole directory of effe
All you need to do is effe-tool compile directory/
and effe-tool
will try to compile every single file in that directory, it is pretty resistent to error and it will print all the information you may need.
When compiling a directory you can still provide the --dirout dir_name
flag to decide in which directory put the resulting executable.
Also, keep in mind that compile preserve the folder structure of the source directory into the binary directory.
Once your effe
is been compiled you can run it, following the example above it is sufficient to run: ./out/hello_effe_v0,1
Now if you go to localhost:8080
you should see a welcome message.
simo@simo:~$ curl http://localhost:8080
Hello from Effe: 2
It is also possible to create docker containers out of compiled effe
Under the hood effe-tool
simply invoke the docker commands, so make sure that your user can create the docker container.
simo@simo:~/gopath$ effe-tool docker out/hello_effe_v0.1
WARNING: Error loading config file:/home/simo/.docker/config.json - stat /home/simo/.docker/config.json: permission denied
Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.48 MB
Step 1 : FROM centurylink/ca-certs
---> ec29b98d130f
Step 2 : ADD exec exec
---> 9dae5b436645
Removing intermediate container 927ade657ba3
Step 3 : ENTRYPOINT /exec
---> Running in b8abe3aafa78
---> 8f4339a840f7
Removing intermediate container b8abe3aafa78
Successfully built 8f4339a840f7
File: out/hello_effe_v0.1 | Everything went good: /tmp/effedocker-849288
simo@simo:~/gopath$ docker images
hello_effe 0.1 8f4339a840f7 16 seconds ago 5.735 MB
The docker images is extremely simple, it start from centurylink/ca-certs
which is the SCRATCH
images plus some certificated so that your effe can make HTTPS calls.
You can simply open an issues or a pull request, I will do my best to reply promptly.
If you want to contribute but you don't know what to do just write me, I have more ideas than time.
If the effe source is modified is necessary to reload it using:
go-bindata -o sources/bindata.go -pkg sources effe/effe.go effe/logic/logic.go
from the effe-tool
The command will generate a source file source/bindata.go
that contains the file saved as byte.
is released under the MIT License, the same of effe