- 🔭 Currently Raising Capital for the Next Unicorn 🦄
📩 Interested? Let's chat: kaiser@kpgsa.com - 💡 Founded and Exited a 🦄 Fundraising & M&A Powerhouse
- 🤝 Seeking Collaborators for Kapsula – Join the revolution!
- 🌐 Founder of KPG S/A, an investment group transforming industries: grupokpg.com
- 📝 Explore my world: kaisser.me
- 💻 Building impactful open-source projects – watch this space!
- 🏗 Helping startups scale from idea to unicorn.
- 🌱 Passionate about innovation, leadership, and technology.
- 💬 Ask me anything!
- 📫 Reach me anytime: kaiser@kpgsa.com
- 📄 Discover my journey on LinkedIn
- ⚡ Fun Fact: I’ve built a 🦄 Unicorn startup, exited successfully, and gathered 3+ million followers across my social networks.
"Some people call luck, for me it has always been GOD!"