Remove unused layer and text styles.

- cmd option shift u - Remove unused layer and text styles
Search for Unused Style Remover in Sketchrunner, Sketchpacks, or Sketch Toolbox if you have one of those installed.
Once installed, Sketch will automatically notify you when an update is available (version 0.1 and later).
- Download and open
- Navigate to Unused Style Remover.sketchplugin and copy/move to your plugins directory
To find your plugins directory...
- In the Sketch menu, navigate to Plugins > Manage Plugins...
- Click the cog in the lower left of the plugins window, and click Reveal Plugins Folder
- 0.5 - Fixes for Sketch 53.
- 0.4 - Fixes for Sketch 52.
- 0.3 - Added plugin icon to manifest for Sketch 50.
- 0.2 - Added section checkboxes, parameterized strings, and improved empty states.
- 0.1 - Initial commit.
Find me on Twitter @sonburn
If you find this plugin helpful, or would like to support my plugins in general, buy me ☕️ via PayPal.
Copyright (c) 2019 Jason Burns (Sonburn). See for further details.