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Steam Tinker Launch is a Linux wrapper tool for use with the Steam client which allows customizing and start tools and options for games quickly on the fly (see Features below)
By using a versatile configuration structure it is both easy to set up and flexible.
Please see the Readme for general information, and basic usage, and the Installation wiki for installation.
SteamTinkerLaunch was originally created by Frostworx, and is currently maintained by sonic2kk.
Here is the category list of the available options and features of steamtinkerlaunch. For details simply follow the corresponding urls and/or see the corresponding settings window (screenshot) Several features might be missing in the documentation, but all of those should be self-explanatory. Others might be expected in different categories and/or could be found in two different ones, because they fit (partly) into multiple ones.
If you want to get an overview over some of the Steam Tinker Launch features, but the huge wiki is too overwhelming, you might want to read this excellent Boiling Steam article by @podiki
All pages can also be found on the sidebar. (also almost every steamtinkerlaunch window opens its corresponding wiki page when pressing the F1-Hotkey)
Please feel free to open an issue for any corrections or additions to the wiki.
Every category listed here also exists as the steamtinkerlaunch internal Category
(all directly or indirectly Gui related settings can be found here)
- Language
- Start Menu
- Wait-Requester
- Toggle Open Windows
- Tray-Icon
- Notifier
- Game Data
- Game Pictures
- Game Icons
- Game-Desktop-Files
- Game Launcher
- Gui Options Menu
- Gui Sort Order
- Gui Window Size
- Gui-Hide-Categories
- Gui-Columns
- F1-Hotkey: F1-Hotkey
- Yad
- Multiple Extra Buttons are available from the Main Menu
- Category Menus
- Game Menu
- Default Menu
- Global Menu
- Favorites Menu
- Editor Menu
(all configuration options which can't be put into a generic category usually can be found here)
- Custom Command: launch custom programs before or instead of the game itself (also windows exes)
- Custom User Start/Stop scripts: optional start custom scripts when game starts/ends
- Game Screen Resolution
- CrashGuess: configure crash guess seconds
- PlayTime: optional logging of the netto PlayTime in seconds.
- CrashGuess*: optional open a requester when the game possibly crashed, to retry with different settings, optionally with opening a Help-Url
- Help-Url: open a Help Url from various places
- Pause-Unpause: option to Pause/Unpause specific processes on game start/stop
- One Time Run: quickly start a custom exe inside the games Wineprefix
- Native Games: support native Linux games
- Game-Launch-Speed: a few hints how a game launch could be faster
- Metadata Support: Collect as much as possible gamedata locally to make further automations easier and faster
- Downloads
ENV Variables: can be easily set for every single game (e.g.
...) - Command-Line: multiple command line options
- Tweaks: short Tweaks description
- Configuration-Files: small overview over most config files
- Configuration Difference: menu showing differences between current game and default config
- Appinfo: extract information from appinfo.vdf
- Game-Command-Line-Arguments: fully customizable game command line options
- Game Files: xdg-open game files easily
- SpecialK: (partial) SpecialK support
- FlawlessWidescreen: FlawlessWidescreen support
- Standalone-Launcher: easily start any linux or windows exe with its own steamtinkerlaunch configs automatically
- Flatpak: Flatpak support
(one central place for all system paths used in steamtinkerlaunch)
(a broad range on Proton customization options)
- Backup Support: optionally automatic backup/restore the SteamUser directory per Proton game (also via Steam Collection)
- Proton Autoupdate: optionally Download/Install/Enable version bumps of custom and/or regular Proton version per game
- Download Custom Proton: download/extract/install custom proton packages via gui
- Dxvk Hud Options: easily set Dxvk Hud options with a gui
- Proton Versions: switch between Proton-Versions, automatically download custom Proton builds...
- ProtonDB-Rating: ProtonDB status Rating
- (Re-)Create Proton compatdata and WINEPREFIX: easily (re-)create a Proton Compatdata and Wineprefix
- Steam First Time Setup packages: install Regular or Custom First-Time-Setups on the fly
- Standalone-Proton: easily start any exe using a custom proton in its own Compatdata and Wineprefix without steam
- Compatdata Redirect: easily map Proton Versions to Compatdata per game or globally
- Symlink SteamUser directory per game or globally
- Symlinks: fix and/or unsymlink symlinks
- Proton KillSwitch: easily stop gracefully any proton game
- Compatdata Delete: easily delete the compatdata on game launch, so Steam recreates an updated fresh one
- DLSS: easily enable all options required for DLSS at once or separately
- Raytracing: easily enable all options required for Raytracing at once or separately
(multiple configurations options for downloading/installing/updatingmanaging shaders)
- ReShade: automatic installation and configuration
- Depth3D: automatic shader installation
- Shader Management: Download/Update/Install/Enable/Disable Shaders with support for ReShade and Depth3D
- Shader Repos: (De-)select Shader repositories
- vkBasalt
(all settings which are directly related to Steam can be found here)
- Steam Deck: Multiple settings optimized for the Steam Deck
- SteamGridDB Support: Add custom grids from SteamGridDB manually or automatically for one or all installed games
- Add Non Steam Game: Add Non-Steam games either via command line or via Gui
- One Time Run: quickly start a custom exe inside the games Wineprefix
- Steam First Time Setup: advanced support for 'Steam First Time Setup'
- Steam Collections simply enable different features by simply dragging the game into the corresponding Steam Collection
- Steam Compatibility Tool: using steamtinkerlaunch as Compatibility Tool
- Steam Launch Option: using steamtinkerlaunch as Steam Launch Option
- Steam Linux Runtime: the Steam Linux Runtime can be disabled optionally
- Steam Reaper: the Steam Reaper can be disabled optionally
- Help-Url: choose from a list of helpful urls, to open automatically as Help-Url when opening the Game Menu, the editor from the Editor Menu or when choosing retry in the CrashGuess
- SteamAppID.txt
- SteamUserID
- Depressurizer: support for the Steam library categorizing tool
(all external 3rd party programs which can be enabled for game launch can be found here, including their corresponding options)
Boxtron: support via
Steam Collection - Conty: automatically start 32bit Games using the container Conty (also via Steam Collection)
- Discord IPC Bridge (WDIB): enables a game to send its own Rich Presence data to a Linux Discord client.
- GameMode: start/stop gamemode per game
- GameScope: start/stop gamescope per game
- Gdb: start a game directly with the gdb debugger
Luxtorpeda: support via
Steam Collection - MangoHud
- MangoApp
- Block Internet: block internet access per game
- Network-Monitoring: basic network monitoring
- Nyrna: start/stop Nyrna per game
- obs-vkcapture: Enable easy capture of game window in OBS Studio
- PEV - PE32 file analysis: analyse PE32 files (windows exe) automatically using multiple pev tools
- ReplaySorcery: start/stop ReplaySorcery per game
Roberta: support via
Steam Collection - Strace: for easily debugging a game
- X64dbg: optionally start the selected game automatically with the (auto-installed) debugger x64dbg (also via Steam Collection)
- IGCSInjector: inject a dll into a running game exe
- UniversalUE4Unlocker: inject UniversalUE4Unlocker into a running UE4 game exe
- Dependencies-Program: optionally start the selected game automatically with the (auto-installed) debugger Dependencies (also via Steam Collection)
*(one central place to view or edit all urls used in steamtinkerlaunch)
(multiple automations and configuration options for VR)
- Flat2VR: inject VR mode into several regular UE4 games
- Side by Side VR: play regular flat games in Stereoscopic3D in VR
- OpenVR-FSR: automatic support for openvr_fsr
- Geo11: automatic support for geo-11 optionally directly opening in Side by Side VR
- Vortex (automatic download, install, tons of automations and configuration options for the Vortex Mod Manager)
- Mod-Organizer 2 (automatic download, install, autoconfigure and seamlessly integrate Mod Organizer 2)
Hedge Mod Manager (install single global Hedge Mod Manager instance and
for 64bit game mod compatibility - May require Proton 5.0)
(multiple wine related options)
- Wine Support: use custom Wine archives instead of Proton
- Download Custom Wine: download custom wine archives
- Winetricks: start winetricks before game launch (gui or silent)
- Winecfg: start winecfg before game launch
- Wineconsole: start a wineconsole in the gamedir instead of the game itself
- Wine Debug: configure wine debug settings via gui
- Registry: auto apply registry files
- Wine FSR: FidelityFX SuperResolution (FSR) support
- DotNet: Install dotnet48 easily
- Wine-Virtual-Desktop: configure a virtual desktop easily
Quick Links
- Changelog
- Installation
- Usage
- Main Menu
- Global Menu
- Tray Icon
- Modding
- Platform-Specific Documentation
- Tweaks
- Utilities
- Advanced