A basic CRUD web application using [X]ERN stack, Where X = multiple DB but as of now MongoDB. So MERN.
NOTE : Due to Time constraint, built only fullstack web app with basic feature. Will scale it to fully functional fullstack E-commerce app with multi-DB [XERN] with proper Validation & Testing features soon.
Live Testing Link (Production Ready | Backend webservice | Node/Expressjs Server | REST API)
Architectural : Agile-Monolith-MVC (Future - Component based + TDD)
Frontend - client | static-site | web-asset | ui: Reactjs
Backend - Webserver/service/host/api | app-server: Nodejs/express
DBaaS [X] : mongodb atlas (Future - elephantsql (postgre) | cockroachlab | astra (cassandra) | planetscale (mysql) | elasticloud)
For Fullstack (MERN) : npm FSUpdatePkgs - to update local pkg to latest ver See this
npm FSinstall
npm FSdev (For Development - localhost)
npm FSprod (For production)
For Backend only (Node/Express) :
cd CRUD-X/server
npm install
npm dev (For Development - localhost)
npm prod (For production)
For Frontend only (React/CRA-webpack) :
cd CRUD-X/client
npm install
npm start (For Development - localhost)
npm build (For production)
Set the environment variables:
cp .env.example .env
# open .env and modify the environment variables (if needed) [Same for .env.development & .env.test]
- Features
- Developer environment setup
- Linting & formating
- Fullstack flow
- Environment Variables
- Project Structure
- Error Handling
- Validation
- API Documentation
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Logging
- Custom Mongoose Plugins
- Contributing
- Feedback & Support
- About Me
- Skills
- Contact Links
- NoSQL database: MongoDB object data modeling using Mongoose [Future : Multi-DB]
- Authentication and authorization(RBAC): using passport [JWT, Google OAuth 2.0]
- Validation: request data validation using Joi
- Logging: using winston and morgan
- Testing: unit and integration tests using Jest [Supertest]
- Error handling: centralized error handling mechanism (express middleware)
- API docs: with swagger-jsdoc and swagger-ui-express
- Process management: advanced production process management using PM2 [Not used in Prod]
- Dependency management: with npm
- Environment variables: using dotenv [Multi-Env : Dev, Prod, Test]
- CORS: Cross-Origin Resource-Sharing enabled using cors
- Linting: with ESLint and Prettier
- Security: set security HTTP headers using helmet [#Future-Implementation]
- Santizing: sanitize request data against xss and query injection [#Future-Implementation]
- Compression: gzip compression with compression [#Future-Implementation]
- CI: continuous integration with Travis CI [#Future-Implementation]
- Code coverage: using coveralls [#Future-Implementation]
- Code quality: with Codacy [#Future-Implementation]
- Docker support [#Future-Implementation]
Local IDE : VSCode
- VSCode : (See below Linter/Formatter section too)
- Preq. - Git & Node (npm)
- Git-bash : NPM global pkgs manual backup - npmGpkg File (see CRUD-X Repo)
- Ext. : Setting Sync on via Github A/C (update outdated npm global & local pkg manually | VScode ext. autoupdate)
- Theme Download Links:
- Product Icon Theme - Carbon
- File Icon Theme - Material
- Color Theme (General)
- Ligature Fonts - Cascadia Code | Fira Code
- Note : Fira code includes Fira Mono | Editor Font size is 16 & Terminal is 15
- Editor.FontFamily : 'Cascadia Code', 'Fira Code', Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace
- Shell Theme (Terminal)
- Nerd Fonts (Not Powerline Fonts)
- Cascadia/Caskaydia NF
- Installation
- Terminal Font Family : 'CaskaydiaCove NF', 'CaskaydiaCove NF Mono', 'Cascadia Code', 'Fira Code', Consolas
- Cascadia/Caskaydia NF
- Cross- Shell prompt - Starship (For bash & powershell only, not cmd) (Default configs)
- Toggle Theme ->
- Settings.json Workbench : Search "Preferred Color Theme"
- Dark : One Dark Pro
- Light : Brackets Light Pro
- Nerd Fonts (Not Powerline Fonts)
- Ligature Fonts - Cascadia Code | Fira Code
- Online Code Snippet/Sandbox : carbon.now.sh, Codepen.io
Browser : Mozilla | Chrome (Extension - React devtools, Redux devtools) (Sync Setting on - PENDING)
VCS/SCM : Github
Cloud IDE (Remote) : Github Codespace (Alternative - Repl.it [Mobile App/Hosting])
Devops (CI/CD) : Github Actions (For Dockerize : Docker/K8's)
Deployment (PaaS) :
- Render.com (Frontend/Static-Site/React-CRA)
- Render.com is preferred as of now over vercel here bcz backend is implemented on it & its easy to deploy.
- Commands : build -> npm run build || publish directory -> build (No npm start command as its not hosted locally)
- Render.com (Backend/webservice) | DB (MongoDB Atlas)
- Render.com is preferred as of now over railway.app/vercel/heroku bcz either they are not free or support serverless fn which is hard to deploy.
- Env Var. : Copy & paste production env file (except PORT as its assigned automatically) & change config env to prod.
- Commands : Build -> npm run prod || Install -> npm install
Linting | Formating Clean Code Style/Best Practises
NOTE : This Configuration/setups are for advanced level, skip this if u r beginner/intermediate, just install eslint & prettier vscode ext. NOTE : js/jsx & ts/tsx is not diff. it's just use to denote that js/ts is for normal & jsx/tsx is for component. But .cjs & .mjs are diff. NOTE : For browser default is CJS in html <script> tag, but if ur using MJS then u need to mention "type=module" in <script> tag. As we are using react here, we dont need to worry as react will build html for us. NOTE : Alternative Names CJS => Source Type - Script | MJS => Source Type - Module
- Extensions | NPM Packages (-D)
- L1 | L2 | L3 | L4 | L5 | L6 | L7
- VSCode : Global
- Linter : Eslint
- Formatter : Prettier
- (Lint+Format) : Lintel, Prettier ESlint etc. (Refer Official website of both)
- Node/NPM : Local (-D)
- React : react, react-dom, jest
- Linting (FE/BE)
- Eslint : eslint, eslint-cli (CRA ESlint extends "react-app")
- TS : typescript, ts-node, types/node, types/react, types/react-dom
- Formatter : prettier
- (Lint+Format) : prettier-eslint, etc. (Refer Official website of both)
- Config (Custom) : .eslintrc.js (extends airbnb, react-app, etc), .prettierrc, .editorconfig, etc.
- tsconfig.json (.tslintrc deprecated in favor of .eslintrc)
- module = NodeNext for MJS & commonJS for CJS // 'import' needs .js extn. for MJS & .cjs for CJS
- moduleResolution = NodeNext
- tsconfig.json (.tslintrc deprecated in favor of .eslintrc)
- Frontend (React v18+) : React is defaulted to ES6/MJS module system.
- Current : Javascript (ES6+)
- Filename : .js/.jsx (js/jsx are equiv. here but as mentioned in note above, we use it for diff. purpose)
- Module system : ES6 (.mjs) => import/export (we don't need to have .mjs extension bcz react CRA defaults to mjs so js/jsx=mjs)
- Future : Typescript (CRA --template typescript)
- Filename : .ts/.tsx (ts/tsx are equiv. here but as mentioned in note above, we use it for diff. purpose)
- Module system : ES6 (.mjs) => import/export (js/jsx=mjs=ts/tsx, so we use ts/tsx only)
- Current : Javascript (ES6+)
- Backend (Node v18+) : Node is defaulted to commonJS/js/cjs module system => require/module.exports
- Current : Javascript (ES6+) // Node is defaulted to CJS, but here we use MJS so following settings will change.
- Filename : .js/.mjs (Package.json => "type": "module") // Both js/mjs are equiv here bcz "module" is mentioned in package.json, we stick to .js
- Module system : ES6 (js/mjs) => import/export // We r using "mjs", but if you wanna use "cjs" somewhere add "abc.cjs" ext. explicitly
- Future : Typescript see
- Filename : .ts (Package.json => "type": "module" |
compiler : a.ts => a.js | node a.js) - Module system : ES6 (.mjs) => import/export (js=mjs=ts, so we use ts only)
- Filename : .ts (Package.json => "type": "module" |
- Current : Javascript (ES6+) // Node is defaulted to CJS, but here we use MJS so following settings will change.
The environment variables can be found and modified in the .env
file. They come with these default values:
NODE_ENV = development
# Port number
PORT = 3000
# URL of the Mongo DB
# JWT secret key
# Number of minutes after which an access token expires
# Number of days after which a refresh token expires
# Number of minutes after which a reset password token expires [RPT]
# Number of minutes after which a verify email token expires [VET]
# SMTP configuration options for the email service
# For testing, you can use a fake SMTP service like Ethereal: https://ethereal.email/create
GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = 21321mklmklmlkmalsad.apps.googleusercontent.com
GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = KMKLK-dkfmlksdmfksd-ksdfmdslkdsfds
**CRUD-X (Root Folder)**/
├── **Client** [Feature/funct./comp. based] (Other - MVC, group by file type, pages with global folder/colocation of related comp. etc.)/
│ ├── public
│ ├── src/
│ │ ├── Assets : images, static file etc.
│ │ ├── Components (Templates/Props)/
│ │ │ ├── core : common and basic components, such as Home,Menu components which are common to all other comp.
│ │ │ ├── post : post-related components
│ │ │ ├── user : user-related components
│ │ │ └── componentFolderN : and so on....
│ │ ├── Pages
│ │ ├── Config (To overwrite global config - .eslintrc.js, .prettierrc, .editorconfig - CRA/webpack already has eslint so gen. we dont include it)
│ │ ├── i18n
│ │ ├── navigation : Router (Navigation) -> react-router-dom
│ │ ├── redux : actions, reducers, store.js [Redux Toolkit -> Redux & Thunk Dev tools]
│ │ ├── Services - API/
│ │ │ └── auth : auth-related components and helper code, routes etc.
│ │ ├── styles
│ │ ├── utils - Helper methods, validations etc.
│ │ ├── **tests** : Jest Framework (Unit testing)
│ │ └── index.js ===> Main entry point for react
│ ├── node_modules (frontend)
│ ├── .gitignore (frontend)
│ ├── Package.json (frontend) - including package-lock.json
│ └── README.MD (frontend)
├── **Server** [Separation based on functionality - [MVC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQuBlR0T5cc) or Technical Role based => FUTURE PENDING : [Component based](https://github.com/goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices#-11-structure-your-solution-by-components)]/
│ ├── app/
│ │ ├── config
│ │ ├── controllers
│ │ ├── docs
│ │ ├── middlewares
│ │ ├── models (ORM/MongoDB)
│ │ ├── routes -> [RESTful API endpoints - CRUD](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14554943/what-are-the-trade-offs-between-different-methods-of-constructing-api-urls-subd) | [Link 1](https://ontola.io/blog/api-design/)
│ │ ├── services
│ │ ├── utils
│ │ ├── validations
│ │ ├── views
│ │ └── index.js -> Application code (MVC part)
│ ├── env -> .env, .env.development etc.
│ ├── tests -> Unit, Integration, fixtures, utils etc.
│ ├── server.js ===> Main entry point for nodejs server - contains http server, mongoose/mongodb conn, n/w, file calls etc.
│ ├── node_modules (backend)
│ ├── .env.example (backend)
│ ├── .travis.yml (backend)
│ ├── babel.config.js (backend)
│ ├── jest.config.js (backend)
│ ├── .gitignore (backend)
│ ├── Package.json (backend) - including package-lock.json, scripts (dev/prod)
│ └── README.MD (backend)
├── node_modules (root)
├── Package.json (root) : shared b/w both FE & BE - including package-lock.json
├── License (root)
├── npmGpkg (root)
├── .gitignore (root)
└── README.MD (root)
The app has a centralized error handling mechanism.
Controllers should try to catch the errors and forward them to the error handling middleware (by calling next(error)
). For convenience, you can also wrap the controller inside the asyncWrapTC utility wrapper, which forwards the error.
import { asyncWrapTC } from "../utils/tryCatchAsync.helper.js";
// CREATE (POST) : Creates a new user.
const createUser = asyncWrapTC(async (req, res) => {
await userService.addUser(req, res);
return res.status(httpStatusCodes.CREATED).send("New User Created!!");
The error handling middleware sends an error response, which has the following format:
"code": 404,
"message": "Not found"
When running in development mode, the error response also contains the error stack.
The app has a utility ApiError class to which you can attach a response code and a message, and then throw it from anywhere (asyncWrapTC will catch it).
For example, if you are trying to get a user from the DB who is not found, and you want to send a 404 error, the code should look something like:
const httpStatus = require("http-status");
const ApiError = require("../utils/ApiError");
const User = require("../models/User");
const getUser = async (userId) => {
const user = await User.findById(userId);
if (!user) {
throw new ApiError(httpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "User not found");
Request data is validated using Joi. Check the documentation for more details on how to write Joi validation schemas.
The validation schemas are defined in the src/validations
directory and are used in the routes by providing them as parameters to the validate
const express = require("express");
const validate = require("../../middlewares/validate");
const userValidation = require("../../validations/user.validation");
const userController = require("../../controllers/user.controller");
const router = express.Router();
To view the list of available APIs and their specifications, run the server and go to http://localhost:3000/v1/docs
in your browser. This documentation page is automatically generated using the swagger definitions written as comments in the route files.
List of available routes:
AuthN routes (JWT):
POST /v1/auth/register
- register
POST /v1/auth/login
- login
POST /v1/auth/logout
- logout
POST /v1/auth/refresh-tokens
- refresh auth tokens
POST /v1/auth/home-jwt
- JWT homepage after auth
AuthN routes (Google OAuth 2.0):
GET /SignInWithGoogleOAuth2Button
- Sign In Button (index.html) (Should be added to Redirect uri in Google Cloud console creds)
GET /v1/auth/loginGoogleOAuth2
- Callback URL (Should be added to Redirect uri in Google Cloud console creds)
GET /logoutGoogleOAuth2
- Delete cookie and destroy session (backend only : bug -> back btn will still works)
GET /home
- Protected route will be called after succesful login via Google OAuth2
User routes:
POST /v1/users
- create a user
GET /v1/users
- get all users
Other routes:
- Default Route will serve index.html via express.static
GET /favicon.ico
- just to ignore favicon error in logs
To require authentication for certain routes, you can use the auth
const express = require("express");
const auth = require("../../middlewares/auth");
const userController = require("../../controllers/user.controller");
const router = express.Router();
router.post("/users", auth(), userController.createUser);
These routes require a valid JWT access token in the Authorization request header using the Bearer schema. If the request does not contain a valid access token, an Unauthorized (401) error is thrown.
Generating Access Tokens:
An access token can be generated by making a successful call to the register (POST /v1/auth/register
) or login (POST /v1/auth/login
) endpoints. The response of these endpoints also contains refresh tokens (explained below).
An access token is valid for 30 minutes. You can modify this expiration time by changing the JWT_ACCESS_EXPIRATION_MINUTES
environment variable in the .env file.
Refreshing Access Tokens:
After the access token expires, a new access token can be generated, by making a call to the refresh token endpoint (POST /v1/auth/refresh-tokens
) and sending along a valid refresh token in the request body. This call returns a new access token and a new refresh token.
A refresh token is valid for 30 days. You can modify this expiration time by changing the JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION_DAYS
environment variable in the .env file.
The auth
middleware can also be used to require certain rights/permissions to access a route.
const express = require("express");
const auth = require("../../middlewares/auth");
const userController = require("../../controllers/user.controller");
const router = express.Router();
router.post("/users", auth("manageUsers"), userController.createUser);
In the example above, an authenticated user can access this route only if that user has the manageUsers
The permissions are role-based. You can view the permissions/rights of each role in the src/config/roles.js
If the user making the request does not have the required permissions to access this route, a Forbidden (403) error is thrown.
Import the logger from src/config/logger.js
. It is using the Winston logging library.
Logging should be done according to the following severity levels (ascending order from most important to least important):
const logger = require("<path to src>/config/logger");
logger.error("message"); // level 0
logger.warn("message"); // level 1
logger.info("message"); // level 2
logger.http("message"); // level 3
logger.verbose("message"); // level 4
logger.debug("message"); // level 5
In development mode, log messages of all severity levels will be printed to the console.
In production mode, only info
, warn
, and error
logs will be printed to the console.
It is up to the server (or process manager) to actually read them from the console and store them in log files.
This app uses pm2 in production mode, which is already configured to store the logs in log files.
Note: API request information (request url, response code, timestamp, etc.) are also automatically logged (using morgan).
The app also contains a custom mongoose plugins that you can attach to any mongoose model schema. You can find the plugins in src/models/plugins
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { toJSON } = require("./plugins");
const userSchema = mongoose.Schema(
/* schema definition here */
{ timestamps: true }
const User = mongoose.model("User", userSchema);
The toJSON plugin applies the following changes in the toJSON transform call:
- removes __v, createdAt, updatedAt, and any schema path that has private: true
- replaces _id with id
Contributions are always Welcome. Make a Pull Request (PR) or raise an issue. Will review them when time permits.
Nope. But if anyone wants to use it in their project as boilerplate etc. feel free to use.
Yup, to clear out my basics of fullstack web app dev.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at sonimonish00[at]gmail[dot]com
🧠 I'm currently learning backend/full stack development.
Python, Javascript (Node, React), HTML, CSS