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windows_ad Cookbook

This cookbook installs Active Directory Domain Services on Windows Server including all necessary roles and features.



  • Windows Server 2012 Family
  • Windows Server 2016 Family
  • Windows Server 2019 Family


This is a library style cookbook that provides a set of resources to install and configure Windows ADDS in a composable way. It is intended to be used in your own wrapper cookbook suited to your specific needs. You can see example usage in the recipes of the windows_ad_test cookbook that is included in this repo. These recipes are used as part of integration testing.

  • add depends 'windows_ad' to the metadata.rb for your cookbook.
  • use the provided resources in your cookbook


For more details look at the



The windows_ad::default recipe installs the required roles and features to support a domain controller.



NOTE joining and unjoining computers from a domain has been removed from this cookbook, windows_ad_join should be used instead as it is part of Chef Infra Client 14.0.


  • :create: Adds a computer object to Active Directory
  • :delete: Remove a computer object from Active Directory.
  • :modify: Modifies an existing computer object.
  • :move: Rename a computer object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.

Property Parameters

  • name: name property. Name of the computer object.
  • domain_name: FQDN
  • domain_pass: domain password
  • domain_user: domain user
  • ou: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
  • options: ability to pass additional options
  • cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
  • cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
  • cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)
  • restart: allows preventing reboot after join or unjoin action. Default true to reboot. Required


# Create computer "workstation1" in the Computers OU
windows_ad_computer "workstation1" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "computers"

# Create computer "workstation1" in the Computers OU with description of "Computer"
windows_ad_computer "workstation1" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "computers"
  options ({ "desc" => "computer" })

# Create computer "workstation1" in the Computers OU using domain admin account
windows_ad_computer "workstation1" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "computers"
  cmd_user "Administrator"
  cmd_pass "password"
  cmd_domain "contoso.local"



  • :create: Adds a contact object to Active Directory
  • :delete: Remove a contact object from Active Directory.
  • :modify: Modifies an existing contact object.
  • :move: Rename a contact object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.

Property Parameters

  • name: name property. Name of the contact object.
  • domain_name: FQDN
  • ou: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
  • options: ability to pass additional options
  • cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
  • cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
  • cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)


# Create contact "Bob Smith" in the Users OU with firstname "Bob" and lastname "Smith"
windows_ad_contact "Bob Smith" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "users"
  options ({ "fn" => "Bob",
             "ln" => "Smith"

# Create contact "Bob Smith" in the Users OU with firstname "Bob" and lastname "Smith"
# using domain admin account
windows_ad_contact "Bob Smith" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "users"
  options ({ "fn" => "Bob",
             "ln" => "Smith"
  cmd_user "Administrator"
  cmd_pass "password"
  cmd_domain "contoso.local"



  • :create: Installs a forest, domain, or domain controller
  • :delete: Removes a domain controller from domain

Property Parameters

  • name: name property. Name of the forest/domain to operate against.
  • type: type of install. Valid values: forest, domain, read-only.
  • safe_mode_pass: safe mode administrative password.
  • domain_user: User account to join the domain or to create a domain controller. Required: for :create except on type forest on windows 2012 and above.
  • domain_pass: User password to join the domain or to create a domain controller. Required: for :create except on type forest on windows 2012 and above.
  • local_pass: Local Administrator Password for removing domain controller.
  • replica_type: For Windows Server 2008, specifies installing new or additional domain controller. Valid values: domain, replica.
  • restart: when creating domain, will prevent Windows from automatically restarting. If not specified, defaults to true (which queues the restart). Valid values: true, false.
  • options: additional options as needed by AD DS Deployment for Windows Server 2008 and for Windows Server 2012. Single parameters use nil for key value, see example below.


# Create forest
windows_ad_domain "contoso.local" do
  action :create
  type "forest"
  safe_mode_pass "Passw0rd"

# Create forest and don't restart Windows
windows_ad_domain "contoso.local" do
  action :create
  type "forest"
  safe_mode_pass "Passw0rd"
  restart false

# Create replica
windows_ad_domain "contoso.local" do
  action :create
  type "replica"
  safe_mode_pass "Passw0rd"
  domain_pass "Passw0rd"
  domain_user "Administrator"

# Create forest with DNS, Win2008 R2 Operational Mode Windows Server 2008 R2
windows_ad_domain "contoso.local" do
  action :create
  type "forest"
  safe_mode_pass "Passw0rd"
  options ({ "domainlevel" => "4",
             "forestlevel" => "4",
             "InstallDNS" => "yes"

# Create forest with DNS, Win2008 Operational Mode Windows Server 2012
windows_ad_domain "contoso.local" do
  action :create
  type "forest"
  safe_mode_pass "Passw0rd"
  options ({ "ForestMode" => "Win2008",
             "InstallDNS" => nil

# Remove Domain Controller
windows_ad_domain "contoso.local" do
  action :delete
  local_pass "Passw0rd"



  • :create: Adds a group object to Active Directory
  • :modify: Modifies a group object.
  • :move: Rename a group object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
  • :delete: Remove a group object from Active Directory.

Property Parameters

  • name: name property. Name of the group object.
  • domain_name: FQDN
  • ou: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
  • options: ability to pass additional options
  • cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
  • cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
  • cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)


# Create group "IT" in the Users OU
windows_ad_group "IT" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "users"

# Create group "IT" in the Users OU with Description "Information Technology Security Group"
windows_ad_group "IT" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "users"
  options ({ "desc" => "Information Technology Security Group"

# Create group "IT" in the Users OU using domain admin account
windows_ad_group "IT" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "users"
  cmd_user "Administrator"
  cmd_pass "password"
  cmd_domain "contoso.local"



  • :add: Adds a user to a group.
  • :remove: Removes a user from a group.

Property Parameters

  • user_name: user name property. Name of the user object.
  • group_name: group name property. Name of the group object.
  • domain_name: FQDN.
  • user_ou: Organization Unit path where user object is located.
  • group_ou: Organization Unit path where group object is located.
  • cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
  • cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
  • cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)


# Add user "Joe Smith" in the Users OU to group "Admins" in OU "AD/Groups"
windows_ad_group_member 'Joe Smith' do
  action :add
  group_name  'Admins'
  domain_name 'contoso.local'
  user_ou 'users'
  group_ou 'AD/Groups'

# Add user "Joe Smith" in the Users OU to group "Admins" in OU "AD/Groups" using domain admin account
windows_ad_group_member 'Joe Smith' do
  action :add
  group_name  'Admins'
  domain_name 'contoso.local'
  user_ou 'users'
  group_ou 'AD/Groups'
  cmd_user "Administrator"
  cmd_pass "password"
  cmd_domain "contoso.local"


Note: Chef 12 Custom Resource WIP. ou provider will call ou_2008 or ou_2012 based on OS version. Warning: Data bags can be used, however OU names must be unique (restriction of data bags)


  • :create: Adds organizational units to Active Directory.
  • :modify: Modifies an organizational unit.
  • :move: Rename an organizational unit object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
  • :delete: Remove an organizational unit object from Active Directory.

Property Parameters

  • name: name property. Name of the Organization Unit object.
  • domain_name: FQDN
  • ou: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
  • options: ability to pass additional options
  • cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
  • cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
  • cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)


# Create Organizational Unit "Departments" in the root
windows_ad_ou "Departments" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"

# Create Organizational Unit "IT" in the "Department" OUroot
windows_ad_ou "IT" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "Departments"

# Create Organizational Unit "Departments" in the root using domain admin account
windows_ad_ou "Departments" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  cmd_user "Administrator"
  cmd_pass "password"
  cmd_domain "contoso.local"



  • :create: Adds organizational units to Active Directory. WIP:
  • :modify: Modifies an organizational unit.
  • :move: Rename an organizational unit object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
  • :delete: Remove an organizational unit object from Active Directory.

Property Parameters

  • name: name property. Name of the Organization Unit object.
  • domain_name: FQDN
  • ou: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
  • options: ability to pass additional options
  • cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
  • cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
  • cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)



  • :create: Adds organizational units to Active Directory. WIP:
  • :modify: Modifies an organizational unit.
  • :move: Rename an organizational unit object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
  • :delete: Remove an organizational unit object from Active Directory.

Property Parameters

  • name: name property. Name of the Organization Unit object.
  • domain_name: FQDN
  • path: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
  • options: ability to pass additional options
  • cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
  • cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
  • cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)



  • :create: Adds a user object to Active Directory.
  • :modify: Modifies an user object.
  • :move: Rename an user object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
  • :delete: Remove an user object from Active Directory.

Property Parameters

  • name: name property. Name of the user object.
  • domain_name: FQDN
  • ou: Organization Unit path where object is located.
  • options: ability to pass additional options
  • reverse: allows the reversing of "First Name Last Name" to "Last Name, First Name"
  • cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
  • cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
  • cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)


# Create user "Joe Smith" in the Users OU
windows_ad_user "Joe Smith" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "users"
  options ({ "samid" => "JSmith",
         "upn" => "JSmith@contoso.local",
         "fn" => "Joe",
         "ln" => "Smith",
         "display" => "Smith, Joe",
         "disabled" => "no",
         "pwd" => "Passw0rd"

# Create user "Joe Smith" in the Users OU using domain admin account
windows_ad_user "Joe Smith" do
  action :create
  domain_name "contoso.local"
  ou "users"
  options ({ "samid" => "JSmith",
         "upn" => "JSmith@contoso.local",
         "fn" => "Joe",
         "ln" => "Smith",
         "display" => "Smith, Joe",
         "disabled" => "no",
         "pwd" => "Passw0rd"
  cmd_user "Administrator"
  cmd_pass "password"
  cmd_domain "contoso.local"


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write you change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

Authors:: Derek Groh ( Richard Guin Miroslav Kyurchev ( Matt Wrock ( Miguel Ferreira (