React hook for managing effectful reducers.
When your application gets bigger, it is hard to manage both state
changes and effectful computations. I find the Model-View-Update
pattern (which the Elm
architecture is based on)
really effective for this kind of task. useBireducer
implements this
pattern by combining two reducers (hence the name): a state reducer
and an effect reducer.
The state reducer is really close to useReducer
, except that it
returns the new state AND the effects to execute:
type StateReducer<S, A, E> = (state: S, action: A) => [S, Array<E>];
The effect reducer just executes effects and can return a cleanup function. This cleanup function is called when the component unmounts:
type EffectReducer<E, A> = (effect: E, dispatch: React.Dispatch<A>) => void | (() => void);
This pattern helps you to separate state changes from effectful computations. It also makes your tests stronger.
yarn add react-use-bireducer
# or
npm install react-use-bireducer
import {useBireducer} from "react-use-bireducer";
const [state, dispatch] = useBireducer(stateReducer, effectReducer, defaultState);
See a complete example on CodeSandbox.
If you want to see an example in a real world application, have a look at react-pin-field.
Development environment is managed by Nix. First you need to install it:
curl -L | sh
Then you can start your development environment by spawning a Nix shell:
Now you should be able to clone the repo and install Node.js dependencies:
git clone
cd react-use-bireducer
You can leave the development environment either by killing your
terminal or by entering the command exit
Tests are handled by Jest (.test
files) and
React Testing
yarn test
: the state reducer exposes a third argument calledexec
to schedule effectsuseElmish
: it is a mix betweenuseEffectReducer