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A sprite drawing engine for 2D browser games that greatly simplifies the process of setting up your WebGL context.


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supersprite is a sprite drawing engine for 2D browser games meant to simplify the process of setting up WebGL2. supersprite provides a fast, powerful, and intuitive drawing system that is made possible by WebGL, while still keeping the simplicity of singular and abstracted draw calls.

import { Core } from 'supersprite';
import spr from "./map.json";

const core = new Core({
    atlas: {
        url: "./atlas.png",
    presenter: {
        baseWidth: 300,
        baseHeight: 200,

function main() {

    core.draw.sprite(spr.helloWorld, 0, 0, 0);
    // ...or one of many other draw methods




supersprite can:

  • Draw sprites as still images or animations
  • Draw primitive shapes such as lines, rectangles, or circles
  • Draw sprites and text to a 2D canvas context
  • Blend sprites to different colors
  • Transform sprites by applying scaling, rotation, translation, or all of the above
  • Contort sprites by changing vertex/texture coordinates dynamically
  • Compile a variety of image formats into a texture atlas via npx supersprite
  • Be bundled for web browsers or for Electron

supersprite itself is not a game engine - it doesn't handle any game objects, sounds, input, or networking.


In order to use supersprite you must also be using a tool such as rollup or webpack that can pull in code from node dependencies and run it in the browser. See the examples directory for example configurations.

npm install supersprite

In order to get started, you must instantiate a Core instance. To use it, all you have to do is call beginRender() and endRender() as seen in the example above. All draw calls must be placed between those two functions.


const core = new Core({
    atlas: {
        // Where to load the atlas from
        // Typically this should be the image output from the atlas CLI tool (-a option)
        url: "..."
        paramters: {
            // Can set parameters to affect the WebGL texture for the atlas
    // Atlas may also be set to null to disable sprites.
    // In this case, only primitives and text may be drawn.

    // Controls how the game gets presented to the screen
    presenter: {
        baseWidth: 600,
        baseHeight: 240,
        responsive: "stretch",
        scalePerfecty: true,
    drawDefaults: {
        hAlign: "left",
        fontSize: 20,
        // ... many  more options available

When drawing sprites, you must import the atlas map. This JSON file is created when compiling a texture atlas, and contains information about where each image of every sprite is located. This file is indicated by the CLI's -m option.

Note that extra configuration is necessary to load JSON files depending on your bundler. The resolveJsonModule tsconfig option must also be set if using TypeScript.

    "guy": {
        "width": 16,
        "height": 16,
        "images": [
                "x": 0,
                "y": 0,
                "t": [ /* pre-computed texture matrix */ ],
    // More sprites here
import spr from "./map.json"; // You can name this import, as well as the map JSON, anything you want.

// Initialize core here...

function main() {

    core.draw.sprite(spr.guy, 0, 0, 0);



The names of each sprite are determined by their file or folder name when the atlas is compiled. This is meant to be more useful for Intellisense/autocomplete versus using the map as an any type.

Presenter Options

The Presenter is a supersprite class that manages the HTML canvases and their rendering contexts. The presenter options must be defined within the Core configuration object.

Normally, supersprite will create its own canvases of baseWidth and baseHeight size and style them directly on top of one another. Specific canvas objects may be provided in the Presenter options to override this.

Because supersprite is intended for low-res pixel games, the responsiveness and scalePerfectly options control the behavior of the game area within the provided window space.

Draw Defaults

The drawDefaults option can be used to set default behavior for draw methods. It can be very tedious to define the same options many times on draw methods, so drawDefaults may override supersprite's own defaults in one convenient, "global" way.

Drawing Methods

  • core.draw.line: Draws a line between two points.
  • core.draw.rect: Draws a filled rectangle between two points.
  • Draws a circle at a position.
  • core.draw.primitive: Draws a shape with custom vertices.
  • core.draw.sprite: Draw an image from a sprite. May blended or transformed.
  • core.draw.spriteAnim: Draws an animated sprite. May be blended or transformed.
  • core.draw.spriteSpecial: Draws an image from a sprite using custom vertices and texture coordinates.
  • core.draw.spriteSpecialAnim: Draws an animated sprite using custom vertices and texture coordinates.
  • core.draw.spriteCtx: Draws an image from a sprite on the 2D context. May only be scaled, not blended or otherwise transformed.
  • core.draw.spriteCtxAnim: Draws an animated sprite on the 2D context. May only be scaled, not blended or otherwise transformed.
  • core.draw.text: Draws text on the 2D context.
  • core.draw.textWrap: Draws text on the 2D context, wrapping if the text is too long.

All draw methods have type hints/Intellisense documentation.

Compiling an Atlas

Running npx supersprite will crawl a directory for image files to compile into the atlas, obeying the following rules:

  • All PNG and JPG images are processed as one-frame sprites.
  • All GIF images are processed with one frame per GIF frame. Note that GIF timing is not followed.
  • All PNG and JPG images ending with a .sheet.png, .sheet.jpg, or .sheet.jpeg extension are read as sprite sheets. In order for this to function, all sprite sheets must have an accompanying .json file containing information about how the sheet is laid out.
  • All directories are read, at the first level, for any PNG and JPG images. If any are found, each file is read in alphabetical order forming a multi-frame sprite.
  • Sprite names are set according to the filename, or for directories, the directory name.

All found images will then be added to the atlas. The result is two output files:

  1. The atlas image. This image must be loaded by your game to draw textures - typically this would be done by setting atlas.url config option.

  2. The JSON map. This file can be either loaded or bundled with your game, but it is essential to locate sprites within the atlas.

For more command-line options, run npx supersprite -h.

Sprite Sheet Config

All images ending with .sheet.png, .sheet.jpg, or .sheet.jpeg in the atlas directory are read as sprite sheets. An accompanying JSON file with the same name (except ending with .json) must be within the directory as well. This file must contain instructions on how to read the sprite.

    // Minimum required for each sprite:
    frameWidth: number;
    frameHeight: number;
    rows: number;
    columns: number;

    // Total number of frames to read. Defaults to rows * columns
    frames?: number;

    // Top-left pixel where the sheet begins, defaults to 0, 0
    offsetX?: number;
    offsetY?: number;

    // Separation between images within the sheet. Defaults to 0
    separationX?: number
    separationY?: number;

    // If images should be read going down first, and then across,
    // or if they should be read going across, then down
    vertical?: boolean;

Custom atlas compilation

The classes comprising the CLI may be subclassed for custom functionality.

  • The Gatherer class is responsible for determing which sprites should be read. The default, FileSystemGatherer, crawls a local directory to find sprites. FileSystemGatherer also accepts a sources option, to which new file extensions will be read as a provided SpriteSource.
  • The SpriteSource class indicates a sprite that should be loaded, and should return the sprite's data when read() is called.
  • The Compositor class is responsible for placing all the located sprites into the atlas.

These classes may also be imported to run atlas compilation programatically, as opposed to part of a build step.

What's new in V3

  • Massive restructure/refactor, aimed to improve maintainability, readability, and performance
  • Offloaded all transformation matrices into GLSL
  • Simplified interfaces and functions
  • Overhaul atlas tool to improve developer experience and extensibility
  • Atlas tool can now read sprite sheets
  • Atlas tool dynamically sizes atlas and no longer requires a config file


A sprite drawing engine for 2D browser games that greatly simplifies the process of setting up your WebGL context.








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