Releases: squiggythings/WaveTracker
Releases · squiggythings/WaveTracker
1.1.2 Patch
- Fixes crash on minimizing window
- Fixes crash due to missing colors in the settings' color theme
1.1.1 Patch
- Fixes missing autosaves folder crash
WaveTracker v1.1.0
This is a fairly substantial update! The biggest changes added are:
- Noise instruments:
- A basic white noise generator across 2 octaves and Volume, Arpeggio and Pitch envelopes. This should make it easier to make simple chiptune-y drums directly within WaveTracker, without needing to import samples all the time.
- Improved text boxes:
- You can now type directly into text boxes to edit them instead of opening a popup text entry.
- Improved sample editor:
- Zoom into the sample with CTRL+scroll wheel, or zoom vertically with alt+scroll wheel
- Shift+Click to adjust the selection edges
- Added Bitcrushing effect, remove DC offset, mix stereo to mono functions
- Generate waves with math expressions (thanks Dannode36!)
- In the wave editor under Modify > Math expression, type in an expression using 't' or 'x' as time. For example: sin(x), tri(x) saw(x).
Plus some other changes:
- Adds autosave every 5 minutes if the module has any changes since the last autosave, autosaves can be accessed through Help > Recover files
- Adds crash detection with prompt to open autosaves folder if last session crashed
- MIDI preview is now constant volume if 'Record MIDI velocity' is turned off
- Adds link to documentation and effect list in Help menu
- Moves "Reset Audio" from Tracker to Help
- Adds individual octave selector keybindings
- Adds keyboard shortcut for renaming current instrument
- Adds shortcuts to move current instrument
- Adds effect tooltips on the bottom information bar when typing in effects
- Adds current playback time, tempo, speed, and tick rate on the bottom information bar
- Improves high resolution font rendering
- Fixes bug where deleting didn't respect the step value
- Fixes deleting-last-frame-while-playing crash
- Fixes crash when loading sample editor to the root path
- Fixes 'draw visualizer in high resolution' mode
- Adds holding shift to select while using the jump to top/bottom of frame shortcuts and page up/page down.
- Adds 'Make unique' option to frame context menus.
- Adds 'Desired latency' option under audio preferences, which should hopefully improve some audio latency issues.
- Adds 'Play and loop pattern' button (Shift+Enter default shortcut), will loop the current frame indefinitely.
- Adds high resolution text option to preferences
- Frames can now be individually modified by right clicking them, previously operations would only affect the current frame.
- Cursor row is preserved when changing frames.
- Fixes bug with D00 effect crashing export
- Fixes bug where sample loop point could be set out of range of the sample length
- Fixes bug where tremolo/vibrato would stop working after running for a few minutes without being reset.
- Fixes bug with custom tick speed drop down not reflecting the actual tick speed in module settings.
- Fixes bug where resizing the window would cause unwanted pattern editor selections.
1.0.1 Patch
- Fixes bug where sample's resample modes were not being saved correctly with the module
- Fixes bug where editing a sample did not mark the module as unsaved
- Fixes bug when a sample fails to import, the playback engine stalls. Now displays a dialog alert if the sample fails to load.
- Instrument Editor can be closed by pressing ESC
- Wave Bank now displays a scrollbar on smaller screens instead of being cut off