Experimental SWC compiler for broccoli (mostly using this to explore SWC, and see what it still needs to be an option for us).
Super-fast javascript to javascript compiler written in rust
TL;DR SWC is a alternative to babel / buble for the JS ecosystem.
- SWC Repo: https://github.com/swc-project/swc
- SWC Site: https://swc-project.github.io/
This module aims to experiment using SWC in the broccoli and ember-cli ecosystems.
// Brocfile.js
const swc = require('broccoli-swc');
module.exports = swc(__dirname + '/src', {
swc: {
module: {
type: 'commonjs' | 'amd'
moduleId: // optional or true, if true it will infer the module name from the file path.
}); // where src/**/*.js contains ecmascript
// Brocfile.js
const swc = require('broccoli-swc');
module.exports = class CustomSWC extends swc.Plugin {
// custom behavior