This repository contains a lab for the mu workshop. The goal of this lab is to add service discovery for microservice to microservice commnication based on the service from the first lab.
This lab assumes that you have a pipeline successfully deployed in the first and second labs. You can see a completed version of the second lab on the solution branch.
Since we are running an in-memory database that is not shared between all instances of the banana service, we need to update it to only run a single instance. Update the mu.yml
file and set the desiredCount
to 1
. For more details, see the Services section of the wiki.
Update the mu.yml
file in your banana-service
to enable Consul service discovery for the dev and production environments. Details can be found in the mu wiki
Commit and push the change to apply the change:
git add --all
git commit -m "enable consul"
git push
Let's start by pulling down a second spring boot microservice:
git clone milkshake-service
cd milkshake-service
Now, let's create a CodeCommit repo in our AWS account and push the service to the new CodeCommit repo. If you are working a region other than us-east-1, then be sure to update the URL for the CodeCommit repo:
aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name milkshake-service
git remote set-url origin
We want to setup our mu.yml
file so that mu can manage our service. The easiest way to start is with mu init
. This doesn't actually do anything in your AWS account, just in your local mu.yml file. Do NOT pass the --env
flag since we are going to share the same environment that is being managed by the banana-service
from Lab 1.
mu init
This generates 2 new files, mu.yml
and buildspec.yml
. We need to make some updates to both to reflect run our microservice.
Use the Services section of the wiki to configure the following for your service:
- Path pattern: update to only route
Use the Pipelines section of the wiki to configure the following for your service pipeline:
- Build image: Update the image that CodeBuild uses to
Update the buildspec.yml to run gradle build
Now that our service is ready to test, let's update the pipeline for the service:
mu pipeline up
Finally, push the changes to trigger a pipeline invocation:
git add --all
git commit -m "mu testing"
git push
While we wait for the pipeline to run, let's explore what mu created:
Source code -
- Look at the BananaProvider class in the milkshake-service. How does the milkshake-service call he banana-service?
- What is the significance of the hostname in the URL for the call that milkshake service makes to the banana service?
- What would have happened if we hadn't forced the banana service to be
CloudFormation console - Whats's new?
- Navigate to the CloudFormation console. What's included in the new
- Navigate to the CloudFormation console. What's included in the new
ECS console - Whats's new?
- Check out the new
cluster. What tasks are running? How many ECS container instances? Why? - Check out the prior
cluster. How many tasks are running? What containers are running for theconsul-agent
- Check out the new
mu cli - Environment logs
- Use
to search the logs for Consul activity in last 30 minutes for thedev
environment:mu env logs -t 30m dev consul
- Use
Consul UI -
- Get the bastion host and ECS instance IP via
mu env show dev
- Login to bastion host
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa ec2-user@<bastion-ip>
- Get the URL for the Consul UI:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name mu-consul-dev --query "Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey=='ConsulUiUrl'].OutputValue" --output text
- Configure your SOCKS5 proxy to
- Navigate to
http://<Consul UI ELB>/ui/
- If unable to configure proxy, try curl and notice how many of each server is running. What is the
- Get the bastion host and ECS instance IP via
curl -x socks5h://localhost:8080 http://<Consul UI ELB>/v1/catalog/service/milkshake-service | jq
curl -x socks5h://localhost:8080 http://<Consul UI ELB>/v1/catalog/service/banana-service | jq
- Test the service - Once the pipeline is successfully deployed to the dev environment, test it!
- Get the base URL of the ELB via
mu env show dev
- Create a new vanilla milkshake:
curl <baseurl>/milkshakes -F flavor=Vanilla
- Create a new banana milkshake:
curl <baseurl>/milkshakes -F flavor=Banana
- Create some bananas: `curl /bananas -d "{}" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
- Create a new banana milkshake:
curl <baseurl>/milkshakes -F flavor=Banana
- Get the base URL of the ELB via