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Switch images to target resolution by breakpoints after JavaScript is loaded. Available in VanillaJS or TypeScript.


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Image Switcher

Switch images to target resolution by breakpoints after JavaScript is loaded.

ImgSwitcher allows you load image by breakpoints and by DPI's (retina display). You can define how many breakpoints you want to detect, how much DPI you want to check (@2x, @3x, etc.) and also you can have a different file type for the original image than the image type that is loaded by ImgSwitcher.


You can use NPM package:

npm i img-switcher --save

or download this repository and add imgSwticher.ts or imgSwitcher.js from public folder to your project.


At first you must get instance of ImgSwitcher:

const imgSwitcher = ImgSwitcher.getInstance();

After that you can simply initialize Image Switcher:


About naming of files/images, see Naming described below.

Optional Usage

If you want configure options (see Available options described below), you can do it via setOptions() function:


If you need reload list of images (due to lazy load, etc.), you can call getImages() function on existing instance:


and after that or often you will want to use listener for resize width of viewport, so, in these cases you can simply call on existing instance runImgSwitcher() function:



const imgSwitcher = ImgSwitcher.getInstance();

let timer: Timer;
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
    if (timer) {
    timer = setTimeout( () => {
    }, 333);
}, true);

Available options


Object of options can contains:

  • attributes = list of data attributes names, see described bellow
  • breakpoints = list of breakpoints, which you want to handle
  • cssClass = base class selector for ImgSwitcher
  • cssStyleClass = class which is removed from image when is loaded new image
  • debug = boolean for enable/disable debugging via console.log for some part of code
  • multiplier = list of resolution multipliers, which you want to handle, e.g. retina display (@2x, @3x, etc.)

Also, you can set name of data attributes on image for specify separately settings for each of images:

  • data-img-switcher-bp = list of breakpoints divided by comma (e.g.: "320,640,960")
  • data-img-switcher-lbp = last used breakpoint
  • data-img-switcher-mp = list of multipliers divided by comma (e.g.: "1,2,3")
  • data-img-switcher-te = target extension it is used for example for SVG elements, where you have to define which type of new image will be loaded (e.g.: "png", "jpg", etc.)

Example of default options:

    attributes: {
        breakpoints: 'data-img-switcher-bp',
        lastBreakpoint: 'data-img-switcher-lbp',
        multipliers: 'data-img-switcher-mp',
        targetExtension: 'data-img-switcher-te'
    breakpoints: [320, 640, 768, 1024, 1280, 1920],
    cssClass: 'js-img-switcher',
    cssStyleClass: 'o-img-switcher',
    debug: false,
    multiplier: [1, 2]

Directly on HTML Tag

Available options, as I described higher, are:

  • breakpoints: data-img-switcher-bp=""
    • divided by comma, e.g.: data-img-switcher-bp="320,640,960"
  • multipliers: data-img-switcher-mp=""
    • divided by comma, e.g.: data-img-switcher-mp="1,2"
  • target extension: data-img-switcher-te=""
    • it is used when you want to have type of first image another like loaded by ImgSwitcher. Typically usage is for SVG as first loaded images. So, if you have SVG (inline or as img tag) and you want to load jpg's you must use it in this way:

      <img src="/images/nameOfFile.svg" alt="" title="" data-img-switcher-te="jpg">

      After ImgSwitcher is initialized, he will try to load by specified breakpoint for example nameOfFile-640.jpg

Naming of files/images

Name of file in situation of three breakpoints (320, 960, 1280) and for @1x, @2x multipliers is:

  • nameOfImage.jpg (base most downsized image for first load of page)
  • nameOfImage-320.jpg (image until 320px breakpoint)
  • nameOfImage-320@2x.jpg (image until 320px breakpoint but for retina displays, so with doubled resolution)
  • nameOfImage-960.jpg (image from 321px and until 960px breakpoint)
  • nameOfImage-960@2x.jpg (image from 321px and until 960px breakpoint but for retina displays, so with doubled resolution)
  • nameOfImage-1280.jpg (image from 961px breakpoint)
  • nameOfImage-1280@2x.jpg (image from 961px breakpoint but for retina displays, so with doubled resolution)

Known issues

  • Image is not loaded if script can't find image
    • yes, if you forgot add for example nameOfimage-960.jpg on your FTP or somewhere, script doesn't try to find closest higher available image. It is because this could be potential overkill for many calls to server, trying to find available variant of image. If you need to have for example four global breakpoints on images but you want just two on one of the images, use data attributes to define breakpoints for this image.

If you find a bug, please, create a issue.



  1. Fork this project.

  2. Clone your fork to your local machine

    git clone

  3. Create a branch with short name described bug/feature

    git checkout -b branch-name

  4. Make your changes.

    • please, make a manual testing
    • update documentation (,
    • update examples if it's necessary
  5. Commit, push and create a pull request


Simply run npm install

npm i

After that you can change code and in the end, please, run gulp task runner:





Please, install and use TSLint for keeping code style!


There are four base categories:

  • Highlights
    • short description
  • Bug Fixes
    • list of bugs (linked to issue if exists and to commit)
  • Features
    • list of features (linked to feature if exists and to commit)
  • Performance Improvements
    • list of features (linked to feature if exists and to commit)



