The pump can be defined as it is a mechanical device used to convert torque from mechanical hydraulic. It simply makes possible of fluids movement from one location to another with the help of pressure or suction.
Electric motors are electromechanical devices mainly used for changing energy from electrical to mechanica.
This project consists of two stages. First stage, we're manipulating the datasets available and eliminating all incomplete data. We'll also create a final data-set in which all faulty data is removed as well as Unnecessary data is removed. We name this data-set final-data.csv.
Second stage, here we'll be working on this final data-set and perform analysis. We're basically trying to show that a motor is independant of all external factors and rather depends on it's sensors.
The Machine Learning processess used are:-
- K-Nearest Neighbour(k-NN)
- Decision Tree
This project is supposed to have :-
- Finishing ML parts
- Django set-up
- A web interface(Django project)
- Better GUI format(HTML or Tkinter)
- User-Friendly
1)Clone the Repo by going to your local Git Client and pushing in the command:
2)Installing Packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run the Jupyter files in your system
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