We are no longer maintaining this library, and it is deprecated in favor of ChartJS.
SugarCRM's Business Chart Library based on D3 and using the NVD3 reusable component pattern. This SVG chart library was created to provide a:
- flexible integration within the Sugar development environment
- single library for both desktop and mobile applications
- responsive content and formatting controls
- internationalization and localization support
- clean styling for legibility and clarity
- uses ES6 modules for custom builds for selected chart types
- over 1,800 unit, integration and data transform tests
This library is dependent on the D3 library so you will need to include that library before Sucrose. D3 version 4.13.0 is the currently supported version and the prebuilt version included in the Sucrose repo is a custom bundle with a subset of D3 modules. Assuming you have downloaded the following files from the Sucrose GitHub Repository local to your webpage:
- Include a link tag to the sucrose.min.css in you document head
<link rel="stylesheet" href="sucrose.min.css">
- Include the following script tags at the bottom of your document:
<script src="d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="topojson.min.js"></script>
<script src="sucrose.min.js"></script>
To render a chart, instantiate a new chart model, configure chart with options, bind data to a SVG container and call the chart model.
<div id="chart_" class="chart">
<svg class="sucrose sc-chart"></svg>
var myChart = sucrose.charts.pieChart()
"tooltips": true,
"donut": true,
"maxRadius": 250,
"showLabels": true
d3.select('#chart_ svg')
.attr('class', 'sucrose sc-chart sc-chart-pie')
Chart config options can be found in the API docs. Example data can be found in /test/files/transform
The Sucrose Charts example application is available at sucrose.io with configurator, data editor and development package download. The following chart types are currently available:
- Multibar Chart
- Line Chart
- Pie Chart
- Funnel Chart
- Bubble Chart
- Treemap Chart
- Pareto Chart
- Gauge Chart
- Stacked Area Chart
- Tree Chart
- Globe Chart
If you are developing new charts in Sucrose you can set up a dev environment with:
- Clone this repo:
git clone git@github.com:sugarcrm/sucrose.git
- Go to the cloned repo directory:
cd ./sucrose
- To install the NPM packages needed for building the Sucrose source code (including Js, Css, D3 dependencies, and localization resources), run:
make dev
- To rebuild the entire Sucrose library during development run the make commands:
make clean
and thenmake all
- Verify that the following core Sucrose files are still in the
- You should also see the l10n support (see l10n README for more details):
- You should also see the following third-party library files:
- To just compile the Sucrose Js file, run:
make sucrose
- To compile a custom bundle of Sucrose and D3 for SugarCRM, run:
make sgr
- To see a full list of make commands for building specific code components, run:
make help
Unit and integration tests can be run with and without code coverage reporting, from within the repo root:
- for unit tests run:
npm run test-unit
- for DOM (simple integration) tests run:
npm run test-dom
- for integration tests running in a headless browser run:
npm run test-int
- for all tests run:
npm test
For code coverage analysis first run npm run instrument
in order to generate the needed instrumented source files, then:
- for unit test code coverage run:
npm run cover-unit
- for DOM test code coverage run:
npm run cover-dom
- for integration test code coverage run:
npm run cover-int
- for complete code coverage run:
npm run cover-all
After running unit or DOM code coverage tests, then run npm run cover-rpt
to generate a coverage report at /coverage/lcov-report/index.html
. The cover-all
or cover-int
NPM scripts run the coverage report automatically. The results of all coverage runs are merged automatically by nyc
. See the testing README for more details.
See CONTRIBUTING for how you can contribute changes back into this project.
- Check out the live Examples at sucrose.io
Everyone is welcome to contribute to Sucrose! If you make a contribution, then the Contributor Terms apply to your submission.
Please check out our Contribution Guidelines for requirements that will allow us to accept your pull request.
Copyright 2018 SugarCRM, Licensed by SugarCRM under the Apache 2.0 license.