Utilities for converting interlinear glossed texts (IGT) corpora between the following formats:
- EMELD (Cathy Bow, Baden Hughes, Steven Bird, (2003) "Towards a general model of interlinear text", Proceedings of Emeld workshop 2003) Online. Used in particular by SIL FLEX
- ELAN Elan website [in a specific configuration -- can be adapted to others]
- JSON representation of Emeld
pip install git+https://github.com/sylvainloiseau/igtcorpus.git#egg=igtcorpus
Command line interface:
$ igtc -i input.xml -o output.json -f emeld -t json -l tww -m en
$ # igtc --output=/Users/sloiseau/Downloads/conll --input=/Users/sloiseau/Downloads/2014T1.xml --fromformat=emeld --toformat=conll -l tww -m en
See the doc:
$ igtc -h
usage: igtc [-h] [--verbose] --output OUTPUT --input INPUT --fromformat {json,emeld,elan} --toformat {json,emeld,conll}
Utilities for converting between interlinear glossed texts formats.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--verbose, -v output detailled information
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
output file
--input INPUT, -i INPUT
input file
--fromformat {json,emeld,elan}, -f {json,emeld,elan}
input file format
--toformat {json,emeld,conll}, -t {json,emeld,conll}
output file format
Object language
Meta language
from igtcorpus.elan import ElanCorpoAfr
from igtcorpus.igt import Corpus
from igtcorpus.emeld import Emeld
from igtcorpus.json import EmeldJson
# Read...
# - EAF (elan) file
corpus = ElanCorpoAfr.read("tests/data/BEJ_MV_CONV_01_RICH.EAF")
# - Emeld document
corpus = Emeld.read("tests/data/test.emeld.xml")
# - json
corpus = EmeldJson.read("tests/data/tiny.json")
# ...Write...
# - as emeld
Emeld.write(corpus, "corpus.emeld")
# - as JSON
EmeldJson.write(corpus, "corpus.json")