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fix logging #5

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/backends/cr_kvs.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@

dispatch({prepare,_,_,Tx}, {state,Name,_,_,_}) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"KVS PUT ~p:~p~n",[element(1,Tx),element(2,Tx)]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"KVS PUT ~p:~p~n",[element(1,Tx),element(2,Tx)]),

dispatch({commit,_,_,Tx}, {state,Name,_,_,_}) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"KVS LINK ~p:~p~n",[element(1,Tx),element(2,Tx)]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"KVS LINK ~p:~p~n",[element(1,Tx),element(2,Tx)]),

dispatch({rollback,_,_,Tx}, {state,Name,_,_,_}) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"KVS REMOVE ~p:~p~n",[element(1,Tx),element(2,Tx)]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"KVS REMOVE ~p:~p~n",[element(1,Tx),element(2,Tx)]),

dispatch(_,_) -> ok.
44 changes: 22 additions & 22 deletions src/consensus/cr_rafter.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@

start_link({Index,Node}, Opts) ->
Name = list_to_atom(lists:concat([Index,':',Node])),
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER start_link ~p~n",[{Index,Node}]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER start_link ~p~n",[{Index,Node}]),
gen_fsm:start_link({local,Node},?MODULE, [Node, Opts], []).

raftname(Name) -> list_to_atom(lists:concat(["rafter:",Name])).
Expand All @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ init([Me, #rafter_opts{state_machine=StateMachine,cluster=Nodes}]) ->
Timer = gen_fsm:send_event_after(election_timeout(), timeout),
#meta{voted_for=VotedFor, term=Term} = cr_log:get_metadata(Me),
BackendState = StateMachine:init(Me),
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER INIT Me: ~p~n",[Me]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER INIT Me: ~p~n",[Me]),
State = #state{term=Term,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) ->

%% Election timeout has expired. Go to candidate state iff we are a voter.
follower(timeout, #state{config=Config, me=Me}=State0) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER timeout~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER timeout~n",[]),
case cr_config:has_vote(Me, Config) of
false ->
State = reset_timer(election_timeout(), State0),
Expand All @@ -116,20 +116,20 @@ follower(timeout, #state{config=Config, me=Me}=State0) ->

%% Ignore stale messages.
follower(#vote{}, State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER #vote~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER #vote~n",[]),
{next_state, follower, State};
follower(#append_entries_rpy{}, State) ->
{next_state, follower, State}.

%% Vote for this candidate
follower(#request_vote{}=RequestVote, _From, State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER #req_vote~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER #req_vote~n",[]),
handle_request_vote(RequestVote, State);

follower(#append_entries{term=Term}, _From,
#state{term=CurrentTerm, me=Me}=State) when CurrentTerm > Term ->
Rpy = #append_entries_rpy{from=Me, term=CurrentTerm, success=false},
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER #append Me: ~p success: false~n",[Me]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER #append Me: ~p success: false~n",[Me]),
{reply, Rpy, follower, State};

follower(#append_entries{term=Term, from=From, prev_log_index=PrevLogIndex,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,48 +158,48 @@ follower(#append_entries{term=Term, from=From, prev_log_index=PrevLogIndex,

follower({set_config, _}, _From, #state{leader=undefined, me=Me, config=C}=State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER set_config ~p~n",[Me]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER set_config ~p~n",[Me]),
Error = no_leader_error(Me, C),
{reply, {error, Error}, follower, State};

follower({set_config, _}, _From, #state{leader=Leader}=State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER set_config ~p~n",[Leader]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER set_config ~p~n",[Leader]),
Reply = {error, {redirect, Leader}},
{reply, Reply, follower, State};

follower({read_op, _}, _From, #state{me=Me, config=Config, leader=undefined}=State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER read_op ~p~n",[Me]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER read_op ~p~n",[Me]),
Error = no_leader_error(Me, Config),
{reply, {error, Error}, follower, State};

follower({read_op, _}, _From, #state{leader=Leader}=State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER read_op~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER read_op~n",[]),
Reply = {error, {redirect, Leader}},
{reply, Reply, follower, State};

follower({op, _Command}, _From, #state{me=Me, config=Config, leader=undefined}=State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER read_op~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER read_op~n",[]),
Error = no_leader_error(Me, Config),
{reply, {error, Error}, follower, State};

follower({op, _Command}, _From, #state{leader=Leader}=State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER read_op~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER FOLLOWER read_op~n",[]),
Reply = {error, {redirect, Leader}},
{reply, Reply, follower, State}.

%% This is the initial election to set the initial config. We did not
%% get a quorum for our votes, so just reply to the user here and keep trying
%% until the other nodes come up.
candidate(timeout, #state{term=1, init_config=[_Id, From]}=S) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE timeout ~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE timeout ~n",[]),
State0 = reset_timer(election_timeout(), S),
gen_fsm:reply(From, {error, peers_not_responding}),
State = State0#state{init_config=no_client},
{next_state, candidate, State};

%% The election timeout has elapsed so start an election
candidate(timeout, State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE timeout~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE timeout~n",[]),
NewState = become_candidate(State),
{next_state, candidate, NewState};

Expand All @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ candidate(timeout, State) ->
candidate(#vote{term=VoteTerm, success=false},
#state{term=Term, init_config=[_Id, From]}=State)
when VoteTerm > Term ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #vote~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #vote~n",[]),
gen_fsm:reply(From, {error, invalid_initial_config}),
State2 = State#state{init_config=undefined, config=#config{state=blank}},
NewState = step_down(VoteTerm, State2),
Expand All @@ -224,26 +224,26 @@ candidate(#vote{term=VoteTerm, success=false},
%% We are out of date. Go back to follower state.
candidate(#vote{term=VoteTerm, success=false}, #state{term=Term}=State)
when VoteTerm > Term ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #vote~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #vote~n",[]),
NewState = step_down(VoteTerm, State),
{next_state, follower, NewState};

%% This is a stale vote from an old request. Ignore it.
candidate(#vote{term=VoteTerm}, #state{term=CurrentTerm}=State)
when VoteTerm < CurrentTerm ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #vote~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #vote~n",[]),
{next_state, candidate, State};

candidate(#vote{success=false, from=From}, #state{responses=Responses}=State) ->
NewResponses = dict:store(From, false, Responses),
NewState = State#state{responses=NewResponses},
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #vote~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #vote~n",[]),
{next_state, candidate, NewState};

%% Sweet, someone likes us! Do we have enough votes to get elected?
candidate(#vote{success=true, from=From}, #state{responses=Responses, me=Me,
config=Config}=State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #vote ~p~n",[Config]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #vote ~p~n",[Config]),
NewResponses = dict:store(From, true, Responses),
case cr_config:quorum(Me, Config, NewResponses) of
true ->
Expand All @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ candidate(#vote{success=true, from=From}, #state{responses=Responses, me=Me,

candidate({set_config, _}, _From, State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE set_config~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE set_config~n",[]),
Reply = {error, election_in_progress},
{reply, Reply, follower, State};

Expand All @@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ candidate({set_config, _}, _From, State) ->
candidate(#request_vote{term=RequestTerm}=RequestVote, _From,
#state{term=Term}=State) when RequestTerm > Term ->
NewState = step_down(RequestTerm, State),
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #req_vote~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #req_vote~n",[]),
handle_request_vote(RequestVote, NewState);
candidate(#request_vote{}, _From, #state{term=CurrentTerm, me=Me}=State) ->
Vote = #vote{term=CurrentTerm, success=false, from=Me},
kvs:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #req_vote~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"RAFTER CANDIDATE #req_vote~n",[]),
{reply, Vote, candidate, State};

%% Another peer is asserting itself as leader, and it must be correct because
Expand Down
22 changes: 19 additions & 3 deletions src/cr.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ ring(C) -> {Nodes,[{0,1}|Rest]} = cr_hash:fresh(length(peers())*C,1),

chain(Object) ->
cr:info(?MODULE,"Object ~p~n",[Object]),
{N,_} = cr:ring(),
lists:map(fun(X) -> lists:nth((X-1)*4+1,cr:seq(Object)) end,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,7 +124,24 @@ rpc(Value) -> Value.

clean() -> kvs:destroy(), kvs:join().

log_modules() -> [cr,cr_log,cr_rafter,cr_heart].
config(Key) -> config(cr, Key, "").
config(App,Key) -> config(App,Key, "").
config(App, Key, Default) -> case application:get_env(App,Key) of
undefined -> Default;
{ok,V} -> V end.

log_modules() -> [cr,cr_log,cr_rafter,cr_heart,cr_vnode].
-define(ALLOWED, (config(cr,log_modules,cr))).

log(Module, String, Args, Fun) ->
case lists:member(Module,?ALLOWED:log_modules()) of
true -> error_logger:Fun("~p:"++String, [Module|Args]);
false -> skip end.

info(Module, String, Args) -> log(Module, String, Args, info_msg).
warning(Module,String, Args) -> log(Module, String, Args, warning_msg).
error(Module, String, Args) -> log(Module, String, Args, error_msg).

sup() -> [{T,Pid}||{T,Pid,_,_}<-supervisor:which_children(cr_sup)].
heart() -> [{_,P,_,_}]=supervisor:which_children(heart_sup), gen_server:call(P,{heart}).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,5 +183,3 @@ operation_log() ->

cluster_status() -> {ok,_} = consensus_log(),
{ok,_} = operation_log().

16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/cr_heart.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ init([Name,Nodes]) ->
end || {Node,_,P2,_}<-Nodes, Node /= cr:node()],

kvs:info(?MODULE,"HEART PROTOCOL: started: ~p~n"
cr:info(?MODULE,"HEART PROTOCOL: started: ~p~n"
"Nodes: ~p~n",[Name,Timers]),

Expand All @@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ setkey(Name,Pos,List,New) ->
_Element -> lists:keyreplace(Name,Pos,List,New) end.

handle_info({'EXIT', Pid,_}, #state{} = State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"HEART: EXIT~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"HEART: EXIT~n",[]),
{noreply, State};

handle_info({carrier,lost,N}, State=#state{timers=Timer}) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"HOST CARRIER LOST ~p~n",[N]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"HOST CARRIER LOST ~p~n",[N]),

handle_info({timer,ping,{A,P},N,S}, State=#state{timers=Timers}) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,28 +75,28 @@ handle_info({timer,ping,{A,P},N,S}, State=#state{timers=Timers}) ->
case cr_rafter:set_config(cr:node(),{N,Operation}) of
{error,_} -> skip;
_ -> kvs:info(?MODULE,"Server Config Changed S/T ~p~n",
_ -> cr:info(?MODULE,"Server Config Changed S/T ~p~n",
[{N,Operation}]) end
_:Err -> kvs:info(?MODULE,"CONFIG ERROR ~p~n",[Err]) end,
_:Err -> cr:info(?MODULE,"CONFIG ERROR ~p~n",[Err]) end,
false -> skip end,


handle_info(_Info, State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"HEART: Info ~p~n",[_Info]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"HEART: Info ~p~n",[_Info]),
{noreply, State}.

handle_call({heart},_,Proc) ->

handle_call(Request,_,Proc) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"HEART: Call ~p~n",[Request]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"HEART: Call ~p~n",[Request]),

handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"HEART: Cast ~p", [Msg]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"HEART: Cast ~p", [Msg]),
{stop, {error, {unknown_cast, Msg}}, State}.

terminate(_Reason, #state{}) -> ok.
Expand Down
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions src/cr_vnode.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,20 +17,20 @@ start_link(Name,Storage) ->

init([Name,Storage]) ->
[ gen_server:cast(Name,O) || O <- kvs:entries(kvs:get(log,{pending,Name}),operation,-1) ],
kvs:info(?MODULE,"VNODE PROTOCOL: started: ~p.~n",[Name]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"VNODE PROTOCOL: started: ~p.~n",[Name]),

handle_info({'EXIT', Pid,_}, #state{} = State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"VNODE: EXIT~n",[]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"VNODE: EXIT~n",[]),
{noreply, State};

handle_info(_Info, State) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"VNODE: Info ~p~n",[_Info]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"VNODE: Info ~p~n",[_Info]),
{noreply, State}.

kvs_log({Cmd,Self,[{I,N}|T],Tx}=Message, #state{name=Name}=State) ->
Id = element(2,Tx),
kvs:info(?MODULE,"XA RECEIVE: ~p~n",[{Id,Message,Name}]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"XA RECEIVE: ~p~n",[{Id,Message,Name}]),
Operation = #operation{name=Cmd,body=Message,feed_id=Name,status=pending},
{ok,Saved} = %kvs:add(Operation#operation{id=kvs:next_id(operation,1)}),
Expand All @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ continuation(Next,{C,S,[{I,N}|T],Tx}=Command,State) ->
Peer = cr:peer({I,N}),
Vpid = cr:vpid({I,Peer}),
case gen_server:cast(Vpid,{pending,Command}) of
ok -> kvs:info("XA SENT OK from ~p to ~p~n",[cr:node(),Peer]), {noreply,State};
ok -> cr:info("XA SENT OK from ~p to ~p~n",[cr:node(),Peer]), {noreply,State};
Error -> timer:sleep(1000),
continuation(Next,Command,State) end.

Expand All @@ -57,11 +57,12 @@ handle_call({latency},_,#state{latency={Min,Max,Avg,N}}=State) ->

handle_call(Request,_,Proc) ->
kvs:info(?MODULE,"VNODE: Call ~p~n",[Request]),
cr:info(?MODULE,"VNODE: Call ~p~n",[Request]),

handle_cast({client,Client,Chain,Record}, #state{name=Name,storage=Storage}=State) ->
{I,N} = hd(Chain),
cr:info(?MODULE,"hd(Chain) ~p",[{I,N}]),
Self = cr:node(),
gen_server:cast(case cr:peer({I,N}) of
Self -> cr:local(Record);
Expand All @@ -76,14 +77,14 @@ handle_cast({pending,{Cmd,Self,[{I,N}|T],Tx}=Message}, #state{name=Name,storage=
handle_cast(#operation{name=Command,body=Message}=Operation, #state{name=Name,storage=Storage}=State) ->
{Command,Sender,[H|T]=Chain,Tx} = Message,
Replay = try cr_log:kvs_replay(cr:node(),Operation,State,status(Command))
catch E:R -> kvs:info(?MODULE,"~p REPLAY ~p~n",[code(Command),cr:stack(E,R)]),
catch E:R -> cr:info(?MODULE,"~p REPLAY ~p~n",[code(Command),cr:stack(E,R)]),
{rollback, {E,R}, Chain, Tx} end,
{Forward,Latency} = case [Chain,Replay] of
[_,A={rollback,_,_,_}] -> {A,State#state.latency};
[[Name],_] -> last(Operation,State);
[[H|T],_] -> {{Command,Sender,T,Tx},State#state.latency} end,
try continuation(H,Forward,State)
catch X:Y -> kvs:info(?MODULE,"~p SEND ~p~n",[code(Command),cr:stack(X,Y)]) end,
catch X:Y -> cr:info(?MODULE,"~p SEND ~p~n",[code(Command),cr:stack(X,Y)]) end,

terminate(_Reason, #state{}) -> ok.
Expand Down